
Famous mysteries. ?

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which are the best-known mysteries such as Bermuda Triangle?

Please tell me all you can think of.

I love mysteries!




  1. There's a mystery that the Mythbusters are going to solve.  The mystery is that NASA could have faked the entire moon landing.


    Loch Ness



    Spontaneously Combusting (one of my favorites ^w^)

  2. tupac's killer.

  3. One of the best theories about the Bermuda Triangle is methane salts on the seabed.  Periodically released, they rise in immense clouds of bubbles and when water is filled with bubbles of gas its density chages massively, things will just literally drop through it.  Any plane engines passing through the released methane once it hits the atmosphere would also be affected.

    When you say mysteries do you just mean the locations or stuff like Amelia Earheart and Glen Miller etc?

  4. Here is a good mystery for your consumption... Now I am a paranormal researcher and investigator... My team received a serious call that something serious is happening in the house next door to the caller.... Now when we got there the police was already there and because of the nature of the call the police agreed to let us follow them in side...... Now the neighbor hearing shots being fired and was screaming that something paranormal events were taken place and several bloodied foot prints leading out of the house gave the local police a reason to enter the home but one of the first things we witness was the light thru-out the home were flashing on and off.... So the police entered first and when the entered to open front door the police and several of us notice a women standing there crying and pointing up-stairs.... One on the police stood there trying to calm the women down and two of us entered the home and was standing next to the women crying and pointing up-stairs but no one could hear what the woman was saying and the police officer kept asking her to speak up but her position never changed and and not one word from her moving lips could be heard and she kept jumping up and down and pointing up-stairs.... In the mean time the house light were flashing off and on faster and faster and I was shaking like a leaf in the wind for all my instincts were going crazy so never the less I followed one of the police officers up-stair where we heard a baby in a crib crying and when we looked to the left of the crib we saw a body on the floor that looked just like the women that was down stairs and I was told not to move while he check the body for life.... Then within minutes the officer that was trying to question the woman down stairs and one of my team member ran up stairs screaming the the women just disappeared right in from of them and the lights in the home just stop flashing... The police office stood up and asked us all to leave and he picked up the baby and we all left the home... Now we knew most of the police officers for we had met many of them before Because of other incidents we were involved in.... But this incidents really scared the h**l out of all of them and they asked us how do you do this time and time again and one of my team members said because this is what we do............................... By the way we later found out that the husband killed his wife and he will spend the rest of his life behind bars................. And later on whenever we run into one of those police officers he still ask up for a better explanation of that incident........... The police accepted our reason as to how this happen but they still wonder how things like that happen...... But a few of them still don't belive what we wrote in our report is possible..... Even after witnessing the events of that day........................................

  5. The best mystery I like is Bigfoot, having read an Air Force blotter at Edwards AFB about a real large bipedal animal walking around the base, I have since been interested it that!

    The other mystery I like is the one where Pres, Eisenhauer went to Edwards and met with ETs.  I went to Haystack Butte, and actually saw a round area, supposedly where it has landed, and still nothing grows in that circle of about 75 ft in dia.

  6. the ufo that cash landed in mexico

  7. Stonehenge



  8. Here are a couple of sights that will stimulate your interest in Mysteries. Peace&love be with you...~M~

  9. Lizzie Borden

    Jack the Ripper

    The Yeti

    Who killed JFK?

    The Shroud of Turin


    The Maoi statues on Rapa Nui

    The "mystery spot" near Santa Cruz, CA

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