
Famous people in history?

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Im doing a project on somebody that has made a positive difference to the world, but i dont know who to do it on.

Could I please have some different people i could do it on?





  1. Nelson Mandela

    Abraham Lincoln

    Mother Theresa

    Joan of Arc

  2. Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler

  3. Ghandi

    Martin Luther King

    Mother Theresa

    Nelson Mandela

  4. Ben Franklin

    Wright Brothers

    Abe Lincoln

    Steve Irwin

  5. bill gates,.. the billionaire person in the world by creating Microsoft,.  

  6. 1. Thomas Edison - Light bulb

    2. Louis Daguerre - Inventor of photography (daguerreotype)

    3. Friedrich Winzer - Gas lighting

    4. Richard Trevithick - Steam-powered locomotive

    5. Peter Durand - Tin can

    6. John Walker - Inventor of matches

    7. Louis Braille - Braille printing

    8. Jacob Perkins - Refrigerator (ether ice machine)

    9.  Charles Babbage - Mechanical calculator

    10. Samuel Colt - Revolver pistol (personal protection)

    11. Rowland Hill - Postage stamp

    12. Samual Morse - Morse code

    13. Ignaz Semmelweis - Antisceptics

    14. Waldo Hanchett - Dental chair

    15.  Joel Houghton - Dishwasher  patented 1850

    16. Edward leveaux - automatic player piano

    17. James Ritty - Mechanical cash register

    18. Hiram Maxim - Machine gun

    19. Karl benz - first practical automobile

    20. Sir James Dewar & Sir Frederick Abel - Cordite (smokeless gunpowder)

    21. Lumiere brothers - Cinematographe (motion -picture camera)

    22. Edwin Prescott - Roller coaster  

  7. The obvious religious figure would be Jesus Christ.

    Never has one person been loved and hated in such equal measure.  The calendar used in much of the world is largely, though not exclusively based around him, though I'm not a Christian; he certainly revolutionised many societies.

    In the east, you could use Gandhi.  Like Martin Luther King; he achieved massive change in society with silent, non violent protest.

    You could use Albert Einstein, or Marie Curie if you want to go for a science based project.  Marie Curie is the only person to win Nobel prizes in two different categories:  Physics and chemistry.

    However; some of the other posters have also made exellent suggestions.


    Just some suggestions of my own.

  8. Bono

    Martin Luther King Jr

    Joan of Arc

    Fred Hollows

  9. Check out The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Person in History, By Michael Haart. You can find the book in bookstores, or check out the over view on wikipedia:

  10. how about Mother Teresa?

  11. Well, you could do Johannes Gutenberg, the creator of the printing press.  He essentially revolutionized the world, helping it get out of the middle ages once and for all.  

    Before him, books were extremely expensive and only the rich could afford them.  With the invention of the printing press, more people would learn how to read, write, and share ideas.  

    This also started the spread of mass media and accelerated learning because more people simply had access to a greater variety of materials.  

  12. Gandhi

    Nelson Mandela

    Aung Sang Su Kyi

    The Dalai Lama

    Louis Pasteur


    Oprah Winfrey

    Fred Hollows

  13. Britney Spear

    Paris Hilton

    Nicole Richie

    Miley Cyrus

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