
Fancy Casey Stoner,tomorrow,anyone else agree?

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Had time for the "shrinks" to get at him,and I think he has the talent,

Bike seems good enough,can't say about tyres.Could this be true?




  1. Hopefully Casey's hand will hold out for the race tomorrow and he'll get home first :-)  He's going to have to watch out for Rossi though, he really wants this one with it being both his home race and beating Agostini's record.  Me thinks Lorenzo will give them both a run for their money as well.  

    Could be any one of these really, but I'll be waving me Ducatti flag in hope (and no I don't mean for Melandri :-D ).  Though a little part of me does want 'The Doctor' to win just to see what his fans have planned for him :-D

  2. Hey Albert

    I think you're right when you say tires may be the big issue - it took Rossi 2 qualifying tires to match Stoners pace on his race tire yesterday -but I still have to go for Rossi to win, unless of course he pushes too hard like last year and crashes out!

  3. Rossi for tomorrow it is his home circuit.

  4. I also think he can do it, and like everyone else thought he had the last 2 sewn up too. Rossi at home with Ago in the pitts and his father there too. I have to think he is planning some celebration. I think this race could be down to the holeshot. and the Yamaha is quicker off the line. Is the staight long enough for the duc ? as mentioned Lorenzo looks like being in the mix. and you cant discount Pedrossa on race day.  My prediction is Stoner , Lorenzo , Rossi in that order.  

  5. Stoner is gonna fly out front....though its home race for rossi, i believe he is smart enough to play a safe race. foolish mistake and 50 pt gap can be shortened easily.

    but if michelin does a miracle, dun rule out lorenzo and pedrosa.

    Me, a rossi fan....personally like to see Rossi win with traditional mind games like he did with Sete yrs back.....follow all the way, and make the move on the last lap.

  6. Stoner non worries. Race is probably finished already but i have to wait another hour until it's on TV. aarrghh

  7. He's been fastest by anything up to a second a lap in the last 2 races and Rossi has beaten him in both, so it's definitely not a forgone conclusion that he'll do it this time either.

    I think he should walk it, but I thought that in the last 2 races too.

    It's quite possible Lorenzo will mix it up tomorrow because he seems to be well on the mend and very fast.

  8. rossi for the win, home g.p. very close to taking ago's record in the big class, and ago's son was in rossi's pit garage all day, rossi won't miss...<^><...

  9. Stoner was the fastest at Laguna and look what happened there.

    Casey has re - broke that bone in his wrist again, and even though he says he can handle the pain, I cant remember of the top of my head, the last time he raced with a bad break.

    For the morning, I have my money on Vale.

    His new helmet design alone is worth that 0.509 a lap he needs !!

    Even if you cant watch the video, you can see it well in the pic. The full video is good. He start laughing his super_fast_*** off at the end ! Dont know why.

  10. I'd count on Rossi.

    I have never tried to put Stoner's skill in doubt,but there is something you forget.When the Doctor is out there-you can never know what is going to happen until the end of the race.Moreover the previous GPs proved that he is riding well during the practice sesions but you can't see him riding 100 % doing his best until the Sunday race.And now the race is in his home track,so he will be more willing to win this one more than any other.

  11. I put my money on Rossi. I think Casey is starting to get a bit rattled and once doubt comes into play anything can happen.

    I'm glad we're now getting some close racing, it was getting a bit dull for a while when we kept having the leader so far ahead they were  almost in a different postcode.

  12. I think Rossi. Firstly, it's his home race so he'll go all out for the win. Secondly, Stoner has has good practice sessions, but can't bring his good form into the race. Finally, stoner has a broken wrist, so by the end he will be in agony, so he won't last the race distance.

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