
Fancy Mice: Pros and Cons?

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I'm getting fancy mice soon and I have cared for other rodents like hamsters, rabbits and guinea pigs (I still have my bunny and guinea pig which I love to death) but I was wondering what to pros and cons are for Fancy Mice. Any reccomendations of cages, food, bedding? Thanks!




  1. get a fancy rat! they are the most lovable companions one could ever hope for! they are smart, loving, clean and low maintenance.

  2. F.Y.I. rabbits aren't rodents. Fancy mice are good pets; they can even be taught tricks; just need patience. The only thing I can think of as a con is the smell of the urine, it tends to be a little strong.  As for cages, I use a 20 gallon long tank, so there would be no chances for escape. Never, never use pine bedding it is toxic to them; I use Aspen. As for food lab blocks are ok, but mice can eat people food, most veggies are REALLY good for them; carrots, romaine lettuce, broccoli.

  3. First of all, you need to get female mice. Male mice stink up the whole room! And you need to get at least 2.


    They're very smart and cute

    They're easy to tame and if not come already tamed

    When you buy them, you're saving them from possibly being a snake's dinner


    They smell (but mostly only the males)

    You have to pay for their food + bedding + cage

    And there's not very many cons

    Use carefresh, which comes in a greenish bag, for bedding

    Use Any mice or hamster food. But look in the bag and make sure it has lots of things besides only seeds.

    I have this cage:

    and the cool thing about it is that you can buy tubes from that brand

    and connect any other cage from crittertrail to it, such as these:

    And with these cages there really isn't a need to buy much other toys besides things to chew on. But of course, if you're not a fan of fancy cages like these, then try these cages:

    Or pretty much any cage from petco/petsmart. You could also get a 10 gallon aquarium with a wire mesh

    And add some toys like TP rolls.. etc, or buy some like these:

    And just keep in mind that with the crittertrail cages (the fancy ones with tubes) you need too replace the water bottle with this one:

    Or hook one like that onto the side

    Have fun with your new critters!

  4. Fancy mice are great.  I used to have them for my daughter.  The only thing is that they only live around 18 months to 2 years and my daughter was so emotional when they died.  I kept them in an aquarium because I didn't have to worry about them escaping and it was much easier to keep clean.  They can be smelly depending on how many you have so change the cage weekly.  They are pretty friendly.  They shouldn't bite if you get them young and tame them.  They are fun to watch but they don't like to be handled for a long time.  I love when they sleep together all huddled.  It is so cute.

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