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I just updated two fic in two different fandoms. I checked and they both were not showing up with the other stories. But with one I pick for it to show fics only with that rating, and it shows up the, but when I make it show all, it doesn't. And with the other, it doesn't show up at all. With that one, I did change the chapter titles, but it shouldn't take that long should it? They both were updated because I can get to them by my author's page. Suggestions?




  1. There are two different kinds of updates at One is an added chapter -- as in a new number. It will bump your story to the top of your fandom's listings. But an update to an existing chapter -- in other words, replacing one -- will not. It will be changed when the story is clicked on, but it does not bump it to the front page / top.

    If you added a whole new chapter and didn't replace one, check your stats page. Click the story and see how many chapters are posted. If it's up to date, your upload was successful and the problem is on FFN's side. They always take some time to update their pages with new stories. And for some reason, new chapters often take longer. Give it some time. It might take several hours.

    The reason I said check your stats page is because it shows your updates immediately, unlike the actual listings. If it doesn't show up there then you didn't upload your new chapters correctly. Go back to the document manager and try again.

    If you think the problem is FFN, email them:

    Hope this helped!

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