
f***y and Freddy going bust, Iran nukes, gas prices, global warming. or is it just me being paranoid?

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f***y and Freddy going bust, Iran nukes, gas prices, global warming. or is it just me being paranoid?




  1. what the h**l are you talking about? What is your question.

    This is yahoo answers...we can't answer if you dont ask a question.

    If you just want to rant then go to a blogging site.

    And you need to be banned Larry B...

  2. You're being paranoid.

  3. well ... no so much

    Underlying the problem are the twin malignancies of pollution and overpopulation.  The poor planet cannot deal with exploding billions -- billions -- of occupants with an insatiable thirst for raw materials, energy, water, and, of course and ultimately, economic advantage at any cost.

    And the politicos argue about such inanities/insanities as g*y marriage, stem cell research and abortion rights.  g*y marriage should be encouraged and rewarded,  stem cell research hurts no one and benefits people with awful diseases, and the question as to abortion is not whether it should be permitted, but whether it should be required. There are already too many people; children are starving and being slaughtered and horribly treated around the world; senseless, destructive wars are being fought over control of precious resources; human rights are in the garbage can; religious nut cases are strapping explosives to themselves and killing anyone that doesn't agree with their version of divine intent; our own government is spying on us.

    It was long ago demonstrated that if you put a few rats in a cage, they get along fine. If you put a lot of rats in a cage, they begin to fight and bite.

    Yours truly,

    Just Another Rat

  4. No your not being paranoid.

    Just think you have advance warning.

    Millions of other people have yet to wake up and find out that the constitution is now just a piece of paper.

  5. Looks like larry needs to go back to school and learn something about history. Conservatism is what made America great. Its fundamentally the single solitary ideology that gives everyone the opportunity to be as successful as they can based on their drive, motivation, opportunities and abilities without being hampered by the Government or stupid mandates.

    Now i know there are pathetic people out there that have no drive, no motivation and would rather be spineless jellyfish and have the government tell them when to get up, where to work, how many breaths of air you can take a day, where you can live, how much money your allowed to have, who you can associate with...............and if the loser socialists take over...that's what you can look forward to. They just do it soo gradually that you don't notice how much money is missing from your wallet, you don't realize what liberties you've lost. But once done...the Government won't give them back..even after you wake up. Government is not known for cancelling any of their programs...even when there's no use for them anymore.

    What ticks me off is the complacency of American's in not realizing how much of our tax dollar they waste all the time, and keep voting the same frauds into office all because of "party lines". Sure, history show's that democrats are worse than republicans, but they have both done their share of s******g over the taxpayer. Since most of their pricey "bail outs" and 'projects' came without votes from the people. Just where will this stop ? how much money are you willing to throw down the government black hole because why ? not that there's not enough money..but because they lost it all or spent it all....and now they need more to actually provide for the citizens of this country. Billions in foreign aid, some to countries that hate us. Billions to bail out private sectors where the tax payer is taking all the risk but gets no reward. Billions in pork projects, earmarks and kickbacks.

  6. We have survived worse banking problems, Gas price hikes are comparable percentage wise to the late 70's and we made it. Man made global warming is a hoax. Iran with nukes, now that bothers me.

  7. If you are paranoid it is because you are one of the sane ones that can look around and think for themselves instead of swallowing what the 6:00 news and miserable politicians spoon out....

  8. It's Bush and conservatism that need to be banned!

  9. All the planets in the solar system are warming. Strange things are happening in our solar system. We are passing through a highly charged area of space.

  10. You're just being paranoid on one thing: Iran lacks the technological know-how and the infrastructure to build 'instant' nukes.

    Everything else is fairly accurate.

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