
Fans of The Hush Sound please help! :)?

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For Marketing at university I'm writing a speech about the band The Hush Sound. I need to talk about the following:

- their musical style and image

- their targeted audience

- their marketability

If anyone has any ideas or interesting things I could say about them, please let me know! I know I'm going to talk about their label Fueled By Ramen and how it's a little marketing machine within itself, but any other ideas would be really really good.

Thanks heaps guys!




  1. Ah, The Hush Sound. Probably one of the most unique bands out there, elegantly and meticulously diverging indie and folk-pop into just one awesome eargasm. As someone who has met The Hush Sound, I can tell you first hand that they are just incredibly laid-back, down to earth, fun people who just love music and performing. To me, they stand out from most of the bands on Decaydance/FBR simply because the other bands are more poprock and alternative than The Hush Sound, and it is extremely difficult to find bands that sound like The Hush Sound. If anybody knows of any, let me know! I'd love to give them a listen!

    Musical style: Indie/folk/pop/rock. I mainly love them because they can perfect all these different musical styles all into one album without sounding cluttered. For example, Greta can write a more sad/melancholy sounding song like "Lighthouse" and still write an amazing poppy "tap your feet along" song like "A Dark Congregation", or a sweet, soft song like "The Artist". Bob can write an interesting song like "The Market" and "Lions Roar" and then write a more rock song like "As You Cry" and "Hospital Bed Crawl". People really underestimate the importance of the drummer, and by God, does Darren do one h**l of a job. A different drumbeat can totally change a song's genre, and people don't notice that enough. And I'm grateful we've got Darren to thank for those soft, mellow beats such as the ones in "Six Interlude", yet have fast-paced beats in "Honey". Another thing about THS is that while most bands play simple power chords repeatedly, Bob takes the time to trick people who want to cover his acoustic songs by playing intricate chords and tapping his guitar to create rhythm. (watch his Where We Went Wrong acoustic video on youtube to see what I'm talking 'bout)

    Image: I don't really know what to say about their image, sorry. =( Mostly because I'm dumb and I'm not sure what you mean by "image". If you mean image in the sense of what clothes they wear, they pretty much dress like normal people, with the exception of Bob sometimes wearing ridiculously brightly colored pants hahah!

    Their targeted audience: I think like most of the bands on FBR, they try to target teens, probably around the age range of 11-18. Not that anyone over the age of 18 don't listen to them, because I'm pretty sure that I'll still be listening to them when I'm 25 lol, but their main fanbase are teens and tweens. Another great thing about them is that they don't only attract one "type" of fan, they attract all fans from guys to girls, from scene kids to emo kids to preppy kids to rocker kids (from what I've observed at their shows). I would say they appeal most to the same kids that would go to shows like Warped Tour and Bamboozle.

    Marketability: I think they have it pretty good, marketability wise. For one, they have Pete Wentz on their side, and the teens for some reason worship the group he walks on, and will probably do anything he asked at the drop of a hat. They are able to take advantage of the growing popularity of poprock music among teenagers these days. I'm not so sure that sentence made much sense? Haha! What I'm trying to say is, ever since pop bands like Fall Out Boy and Panic! and Gym Class Heroes all on Decaydance, have made it, people just assume anything on Pete's label is gold (and in this case, they hit the jackpot!) Also now, with P2P and online music downloading at an all time high, it's even easier to have their music passed around. I'm not really sure what marketability is, but I hope this has helped!

    Good luck with your speech =)

  2. What i heard is that they originally didn't start a band, it was just Bob and Greta "jamming" yeah lol. i dunno if you want to include that. but yeah *shrugs* i recently went to their concert and they are AMAZING live. Like, the sound like their CD

  3. the hush sound is my life. i love them. i suggest checking out wikipedia, maybe their myspace, but definitlay they have a TON of articles and interviews. good luck!

    THS forver <3

  4. Oh boy! Hush Sound = love. Now, as far as ideas...

    Hate to break it to you, but THS is a nobody band... *teardrop*, so I don't know how much they have as far as marketability goes...

    Sorry for lack of creative juice!

  5. Music style: They have a feel good, pop rock sound

    Target audience: 12-16

    Marketability: Clean for younger kids with an interesting sound and lyrics for older audiences

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