
Fantasy Football Scoring??

by  |  earlier

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Heres the scoring for the money league i play in, do u consider it a bit funky or logical

Scoring for Offensive Categories

FG - Field Goals 30 points

Plus 10 points for a FG of 50 Yds

FL - Fumble Lost, Including ST plays -30 points

Pa2P - Passing Two-point Conversion 20 points

PaInt - Passing Interception -30 points

PaTD - Passing TD 60 points

PaYd - Passing Yards 0 PaYds = 1 point for every 1 PaYd

Re2P - Receiving Two-point Conversion 20 points

ReTD - Receiving TD 60 points

ReYd - Receiving Yards 0 ReYds = 1 point for every 1 ReYd

Recpt - Reception 1 point

Ru2P - Rushing Two-point Conversion 20 points

RuTD - Rushing TD 60 points

RuYd - Rushing Yards 0 RuYds = 2 points for every 1 RuYd

XP - Extra Points 10 points

Scoring for Defensive Categories

BFB - Blocked Field Goals (ID/ST/DST) 15 points

BFTD - Blocked Field Goal Touchdown (ID/ST/DST) 30 points

BP - Blocked Punts (ID/ST/DST) 10 points

BPTD - Blocked Punt Touchdown (ID/ST/DST) 20 points

BXP - Blocked Extra Points (ID/ST/DST) 5 points

DFR - Defensive/ST Fumble Recovered (ID/DT/DST) 20 points

DTD - Total Defensive and Special Teams TD 60 points

Int - Interceptions 20 points

PA - Points Against, Total Points Scored 0 - 0 PAs = 80 points

2 - 6 PA = 50 points

7 - 9 PA = 25 points

SACK - Sack 20 points

STY - Safety 55 points

YDS - Yards Allowed 0 - 250 YDSs = 80 points

251 - 300 YDSs = 40 points

We start 2QB, 2RB, 3WR,1TE, 1K, 1DST

Would a QB more valuable in a scoring league like this than a RB??




  1. Final score of the Championship Game.

    1,875,437.6 to 1,642,087.9

    Really, why do some leagues insist on adding 0's to every score?  Makes it so confusing.

    To answer your second question, if I can decipher it correctly then getting a RB would be more valuable.  S.Jackson rocks!

  2. That scoring is sooo illogical and seems so very hard to know what the h**l is going on.

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