
Fantasy Writers: How would you like to have a small forum where other Fantasy Writers can review your work?

by  |  earlier

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I just got thinking about this and I know that I'd benefit from something like this and imagine others would as well. I know a way that you can have it instantly copywritten to protect the content and I think this could really work to help us all be better writers, not to mention give us a little e-community to help support us and keep the fire going. What d'ya think?

If there's enough interest I'd be willing to work out the details and get it started.




  1. I think that would be great. Right now I have the outline for a fantasy book and I would love to see if anyone thinks its a good idea. If so, then maybe I would continue writing it.

    Sounds great! Email me if you decide to do it!

  2. There used to be a site just like that called FWO or Fantasy Writers Online. It was a great site but one day just up and disappeared. It had critiques, posting, links, you name it. Anything anyone would need. That was some 9 years ago I think. I miss that site. I think it's a great idea and desperately needed.

    Edit: I did find something online it is a little bit like what you are talking about.

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