
Farewell Letter?

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Hello Party People!!!!

I have resigned from my current firm and my last day is approching.Not more than a week.I still need to draft a nice emotional farewell letter for my co-workers.Since Its my 1st company I have been attached to them..Please Help!!!!




  1. A farewell letter or resignation letter is for your boss not co-workers. If your close with them you should tell them right away. Take them out to lunch or invite them over for a BBQ and let them know face to face what working with them has meant to you. Try and make it personnel and heartfelt but not over sentimental so you don't make them feel uncomfortable.

    Mary, not sure what you are talking about but let me explain it a little slower for you.

    1) You give your bosses the resignation letter.

    2) You take your co-workers out or invite them to a BBQ.

    I was not saying to take your bosses out.

  2. I found the following example on the resource below - hope it helps!  It's  a little more appropriate for work.

    I know what it's like to be attached to your first workplace, you're lucky it was a good one!

    I would suggest not getting too emotional in your farewell letter - I can only say that you'll cringe at yourself when you get older and more jaded :)

    "I suppose this is more of a thank you to all of you for creating a great workplace, rather than farewell, as the industry is so small that no doubt I’ll be seeing you all again, especially if you ever need me to look after xyz in my new job as xyz!

    For those of you who don't know, I am moving to xyz and have accepted a job that allows me to be closer to home.

    I am going to miss working with xyz, who showed me xyz, and no doubt when I go to xyz I will be claiming that knowledge as my own with no credit to him.

    I especially want to say that my brilliance here could have only come at the cost of xyz’s sanity and hard work propping me up. I learned so much and now that I’m leaving, have no use for it anymore. I will always remember you and I know that you will remember me every time you get a headache.

    I have found working here to be inspiring. When I first arrived, the business was just starting a new xyz, and since I’ve been here the place has grown and we are now doing xyz. So its been great being a part of that dynamism, and forward momentum. I hope that my new workplace will be as interesting. I have learned to try to think bigger and involve others outside of my trade or group when it comes to problem-solving, and have had fun with the resulting creative energy here.

    I am going to miss the rainforest in xyz’s cubicle, the groove in the carpet from xyz’s desk to the hot water urn, and smoking out the back with xyz – we are the smoking outcasts and although I am leaving, you are not alone, Sister.

    I hope that you guys manage to crack the xyz target, no doubt you are capable of that and more, but I really hope that you guys enjoy the rest of your time here as much as I did.

    So thank you for everything, and please don't hesitate to punish my slackness here by torturing me at xyz every time you need xyz."

  3. WTF? Why don't you just buy them flowers and clean their shoes!

    No, but seriously. Are you serious? I can't believe you are...

    If you are, and you really care, why on earth would you write them a letter? You're there aren't you? Speak to them. Use words. Take them out to dinner or something. A letter?!

    Glenn (below): "I can't tell you what great fun it's been working for you!" Are you serious?? Try: "I come here because you pay me. If you didn't pay me I wouldn't come here. I don't enjoy spending 90% of my waking lifetime sitting behind a desk earning you money." If this isn't what you would put in your letter then you have some real 'issues' somewhere...or else you are the type of person who wears suits on the weekend...

  4. Auntie Em,

    Hate you. Hate Kansas.

    Taking the dog.

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