
Farfax county muder in jail?

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hey guys! there was this case about a few month ago..about a young black male about 20 years old who stole a van and then accidentlly killed a police officer while trying to get away, so as they brought him into the jail the police officers put him in "isolation" for OVER 36 hours or so, which is PAST the recominded maximum time, so as the police officers make there rounds to check on the immates they found the young black male dead, the obtopsy said he died of a "broken neck" there wasn't any bruises or signs of stuggle!

i would like to know EVERYONESSS opinion, and extra details! but please don't be rude, i just want to know what the public thinks!

but heres my opinion: my opinion is YES im glad he did go to jail for killing a police officer but i don't agree on the fact that ALL of his rights were taken away!...1.) they put him in isolation over the maximum time! 2.) didn't give him ANY food or water! basically ALLL his rights were taken away and that isn't fair...another thing i didn't think was fair was that there are people on DEATH ROW, and got life in prison for doing HORRIBLE things like dismembering a body (tearing it to peices), raping SEVERAL of women, taken millions of innocent lives and they only get life in prison but yet this young black male got his life taken away and didn't even get a second chance! the justice system is not fair!!!!




  1. I can tell you right now.  They did not starve him, and if that is what you are hearing, you are only hearing part of the story.  I do feel that this guy deserved to be placed in isolation because obviously he is a danger to others if he "accidently" killed a cop.  If he took someone elses life, it could be a big risk to place him in general population because he could take someone elses life.  I believe in an eye for an eye, and unfortunately, it doesnt work that way in this world.  I think like this, everything happens for a reason, and if it was not gods intention to take that man off of this earth, he would still be here, right?  But anyways, there is my 2 cents.

  2. We all die eventually.   Does it really matter when or how.

    This guy stole a vehicle and killed a cop.   Why shed tears.

  3. I'm not familiar with this specific case, but I do have a problem with not allowing the judicial process to take its course.

    When in isolation, inmates are given food and water.  Also, an inmate may be confined to isolation for over 32 hours, or even years.

    And a broken neck or internal injuries could occur with out any noticeable trauma, although unusual.  

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