
Farm Folks!!!...need help with BABY DUCK...What do I do?!!?

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My cat brought a baby duck do I take care of it until I can get it to someone who knows what they're doing?




  1. you'll need a heat lamp. You can put the duckling in a box or a rubbermaid tub with a towel on the bottom. He needs a heat lamp, however, so make sure to get one. Place that about 6 inches above the tub. You can also throw in a teddy bear to make him feel more secure.

    You can get some tupperware and cut a hole in the lid for water. Just make sure he can't get into his water, because he will get soaked and can die. As for food, duckling starter is best, but if you're just making do, you can cut up some veggies into tiny pieces. They like tomatoes, lettuce, dandelion leaves, clovers, grapes, things like that. Not bread, which is just junk food. Never feed ducks bread. Just make sure they are VERY VERY SMALL. They swallow their food whole, so there is a choking hazard there.

    After that, I'd call a wildlife rehabber and ask them for advice. They will likely want to take the duckling, which you should allow them to do. Then they can raise it properly and release it into the wild. If you raise the duck yourself, it likely will not be able to survive the wild on its own. So make sure you call them! Good luck!!

  2. Well your going to need some spare money to buy duck feed and a pen(which can be outside).You can get this at a Tractor Supply or Fleet&Farm. You should have a nesting box that is heated to protect it from the cold nights/days. For now you can feed him lettuce, tomatoes, worms, crickets and other natural things. Ducks will also eat plant matter like grass or algae too... Have water available for him at all times but keep it shallow and make sure he isn't able to swim in it either. Ducklings can drown if they flip over in water as funny as it sounds. If your not going to keep him for the rest of his life you should hand him over to a wild life rescue or bird rehab!

    Ps. DO NOT feed bread and keep  only the duckling crumbles down full time for him to eat too.

  3. a card  board box a heat lamp and some water and feed

  4. put in in a big contaner and put towels down for it  with a little teddy and a bowl of water and some cut up bits of  bred and feed it every cupul of times  untill it dosend want any more and it will be fine

  5. Keep it warm (use a warm waterbottle or small blanket/towel)

    then you need to call a local vet and find out if you can bring te duckling to them.

    Hope this helps!

  6. Go to a feedmeal and pick up food,give it water in a shallow bowl with gravel in it so it drinks it and can't swim in it.

    Good luck

      Debbie O

  7. all i know is the they die easily... you need an incubator and some kind of bedding

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