
Farmer's market?

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Do they sell all organic food, or some organic food? Do they sell:

Organic chicken

Organic beef

Organic macaroni and cheese

Organic milk

Organic yogurt

Organic bread

Organic bananas

Organic mangos

Organic cereal

Organic corn

Organic spaghetti

Organic chicken broth

Sorry, I just need to know before I start spend a whopping $150 at Safeway every month.




  1. um they all have different stuff from local or near by farmers.. its fresh and some of it is organic... definitely go check it out, its worth going to in most cities!


    will give you many local, organic growers in your area.

    Buy direct...w/ gas prices driving up the cost of food, they are getting to be more competitive.

  3. For food to be labeled and sold as an organic product it must meet strict guidelines. Some of the foods you have listed might be organics but others may not be. You can try the farmers market (as you've already suggested), health food stores, and smaller green grocers.

  4. they only sell organic fruits and vegetables. occasionally there will be like, pie that they made, but thats pretty much it. the trick is, its only locally grown foods which are in season. so you could probably only cut out the corn from your list.

  5. just because it is a farmers market don't get taken in that it is all organic.Anyone who says that farmers markets are all organic are not dealing with a full deck.Listen to the news opportunistic people are getting caught all the time trying to pass of  stuff as farm fresh Southern Ontario one guy transferring cheap maple syrup into real maple syrup tins,another guy bought apples from the grocery store sold at farmers market as organic.Join a farmers Co-Op you pay a real farmer for seasonal goods you meet them at a central local and get a bushel of fresh produce.Farmers markets are good and they can REALLY help local farmers ask about the farm were it is ask other vender's who they would buy there product from IE the apple guy who he would recommend to buy eggs avoid the slick con artist support a real farmer.Remember the market only wants to sell the stall they very rarely check out the vender's qualifications

  6. It depends on your farmers' market. Not all of the items of at a farmers' market will be organic. There certainly will be some items that are organic. As far as the items, it really just depends who attends the market. The big appeal of the farmers' market is that the products are locally produced sold, cutting down on fuel emissions to transport the food.  Organic or not, I believe the foods sold at farmers' markets are better for you and the environment. There's my two cents! :)
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