
Farming Wipes? (cow teats)?

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I'm a student doing a project involving cow udder (teat) wipes. I'm wondering any information about this, and also if there are any other house, farm, garage needs for a disposable wipe.




  1. Bag Balm is all you need .

  2. Growing up on a farm we always wiped the udders before we milked them. Cows are suseptible to all kinds of insect bites and other bacterial problems because of where they wander all day. By wiping their udders you can keep them from getting mastitus or other udder infections that may spread some kind of contaminant in the milk. By drinking raw milk, which I personally think is the healthiest, you are suseptible to stuff like lukemia and other viral diseases. By wiping the udders down with sanitary wipes you may not completely get rid of germs but it helps.

  3. There are different disposable wipes. Waste of money to me, I use dollar store wash cloths and wash them every night. They last about 3 months. Just predip, forestrip, dry with the cloth and put the milker.

  4. waste of time and money

  5. There are hundreds of types of disposal wipes.  A couple that might interest you are: Germicidal wipes and wipes for pet's paws.

  6. Back in the days before milking parlors there was milk barns

    and before that there was the hall of an old barn. In those

    days we had watter in a bucket and a few rags. We would

    have loved to have had some unscented baby wipes.

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