
Farming classes in college?

by Guest63771  |  earlier

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Do they have farming classes in college? If so what would it be called? Like business, psychology, etc. What category would it be under? And do you recommend farming classes in college? Any colleges in northern California or southern Oregon that have farming classes?




  1. It would probably be under agriculture>

    Ask your advisors, they will know more than anyone here.......different colleges may call it different things.

  2. I have a major in Agriculture Education, with a minor in Animal Science.  I got it from NC State University.  

    Farming classes would be under Agriculture, typically.  There are B.S., M.S., and PhD. programs in Agriculture, Agriculture Engineering, Agriculture Extension, and Agriculture Education.  

    I know it is not really Northern Cal, but UC Davis has Agriculture and Environmental Sciences and Ag. Economics.

    Here is the link:

    Oregon State University has Agriculture Business Management.  Here is a link:

  3. Framing classes are taught at tech schools. Like cabinetry and carpertry classes.

  4. Most states have colleges and universities that have degree programs in Plant and Soil sciences. Also listed as Botany in a general science degree program, though not the same. I went to UMASS Amherst to work on my B.S. in Plant and Soil sciences and then to Mass Maritime for Facilities Engineering to augment my education as I became more involved with aquaponics and organic hydroponics. You will surely find agriculture courses where you are and will, after a time, find your true love in one discipline. If you have not started school, try to get your core work out of the way any place that is small an inexpensive. Your first 2 years, an Associates in Liberal Arts will get the basic core material done that all students need to do. It is a good place to do your chemistry classes and math classes so you do not have to take them in the huge university class environment. Chem 1 and a class of 200+ students means that if you need help, you must rely on teaching assistants and you will never meet your Instructor for help. You have the chem's, the math's, English's and humanities, computer, botany and assorted sciences, some of which are electives and some mandatory. This is a great chance to get them done at a smaller local college, for less money, and that gets you an established GPA that will probably be higher. Then apply to a larger school for your 3rd and 4th year.

  5. AG

  6. Agronomy, Horticulture, Flora-culture, Animal Husbandry, Animal Nutrition, Weed Control, Pest Control, Plant Breeding, Animal Breeding, to name a few, all in the Agriculture Department.

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