
Farrowing Technician?

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Hi, I have been working as a farrowing technician for 6 years now. My question is for people who work in the same position or area of the barn as I do.

Do you enjoy your job, if yes why and if no why?

I like my job but it is starting to take a toll on me, my joints hurt and I have aches and pains now from doing my job that seem not normal for someone of my age (28) Do you have the same problems?

Thank you for your answers





  1. You are probably experiencing a lot of pains from the labor you do as your exerting a lot of energy working low on the floor. Be careful that you are not in contact with a lot of cleaning supplies or those with fumes, to include naturally produced fumes. You need a total check up by a physician and that needs to be done annually as you are in contact with livestock as closely as you are. Your family health history will have a lot to do with how you age. Consider finding other work. The whole animal factory farming industry is kind of a questionable thing anyway and if nothing else you will benefit from getting out from the labor you do and the toll on your body. BTW, how is your diet? A lot of physical problems that seem like arthritis are diet related, you know? If nothing else there are supplements for joint ailments like glucosamine and chondroitin and they work very well.

  2. It's not normal for a 28 year old to start getting aches and pains in the joints, but I doubt if it is caused by your job. I'd be seeing a doctor pretty soon about it.

  3. I'm not a farrowing tech, but I can say that yes, aches and pains are pretty normal for your age and what you are doing.  Why?  Because you're getting older and things start to ache.  Being knelt down and bent over for long periods puts strain on all your joints and shoving hogs around plus wrestling piglets isn't the easiest thing in the world!!  

    You might want to start practicing stretching, and maybe some yoga to try to get the joints used to moving.  Yes, it sounds like hippie jazz but it can help.  When I work with our cows or chickens much, or even just out kneeling in the garden, it makes me start to ache.  Stretching before I go out really helps, too.

    I'm only a few years older than you, and REALLY hate to say it, but yah, it's normal for some people.  There also is the chance that it could be something else, arthritis, lupus, muscle or joint injury, so if you are concerned contact a doctor.  

    P.S.  I'd think farrowing would be a pretty neat job :)
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