
Fascinated by extraterrestrial intelligence?

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Then you should read this great wiki article on Fermi paradox

What do you think is the best explanation to the paradox?




  1. Extraterrestrial intelligence abounds throughout the universe.

      One day we may get evidence of their existence but distances and longevity may make any proof unattainable.

      We can be sure of some things none will ever visit earth and we will never meet one.

      They would theorize about us as we do about them and again they may never get proof of are existence.

  2. This paradox has been around for some time.

    Its only since 1996 that we have found planets outside of our solar system, and we have since found hundreds and our detectin instruments are getting better and more refined.

    First we must find life of any kind....then we can work on finding intelligent life.

    Frankly....I think we should look for intelligent life HERE on Earth first. (lol)

    This question was answered rather eloquently in the movie "Contact"

  3. Personally i think the drake equation is a bunch of ****.

    It makes far to many assumptions that we cant confirm or deny.

    Im inclined to think that life is rare, and even where life does crop up, it probably doesnt get beyond simple multicellular organisms if that.

    Complex multicellular life would be rare, intelligent life even rarer. And chances are that even if we did find an intelligent race in this galaxy, the chance of them being on par with us technologically (in either direction) is exceedingly small.

    So basically i expect us to find alot of simple life, the occasional planet with animal life, and maybe one day stumble across a planet with intelligence either insanely primitive or godlike in tech ability, either that or we come across a failed civilisation that screwed themselves over before they could leave the planet. And in a magical fantasy world, find aliens at a similar level to us.

  4. The Fermi paradox assumes two things:

    1) that there is no evidence of extraterrestrial visitation

    2) that the distances involved preclude interstellar travel.

    The fist assumption disregards the mountain of evidence that UFOs are real.

    The second assumes that advanced civilizations have not developed a workable theory of gravity that allows them to fold or warp spacetime to render the vast distances between stars irrelevant.

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