
Fascination vs love?

by Guest33654  |  earlier

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how can you tell the difference. how do you know when its either/or.




  1. if it hurts its luv if u get over or can think about anyone/thing else its facination

  2. Love is a farce. Only lust exists.

  3. you mean like love vs lust? well, love is complicated. fascination is just for pleasure. love is a wholee lot better.

  4. This is a really good question.  I guess love lasts?

  5. Who knows? Its a matter of opinion I think.

    Ive been in lust many times.It wasnt until I found real love that I knew Id been wrong.

    MY opinion is,

    Love is being with someone not because of what they look like,act like or do for you but being with them because of who they are.You cant love someone until you really know that person, know their flaws and strenths and love them still.(unconditional)

    Love is being willing to sacrifice your comfort and sometimes happiness because you want whats best for that person.Love is rare.Lust is not.

    Love is the kind of connection  and selflessness that comes from a mature relationship- and I dont just mean that literally.Both come and go.Both can last forever, both can go away.

  6. I think you might mean infatuation? And the difference is that infatuation is an "I want" feeling. Love is a "I want to give" feeling. Most relationships have some of both.

  7. Admiration versus love

    look it up in the dictionary - I won't
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