
Fast Food Questions??

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Hi... I my questions are out of simply curiosity. There are Many fast food establishments all of the world. McDonald's for one. However just because you can find one in every state doesn't mean they will have the exact same menu. Therefore here are my questions:

Does your local McDonald's serve Pizza? If so where at?

Does your Subway have a Chiken Parmesean sandwhich? If so where at?

These are two of my favorite things from these places but are no longer served in my area. If you have them in your area or know where they can be found please tell me. I'm just curious. Me and my friend thought it'd be cool to tak e a poll and see.

Thanks a lot!!!!!!!




  1. the chicken parmesan sandwich sounds really good,,,i never knew mcdonalds carried pizza or subway parmesan sandwich thats a new one on me,,id like to know myself :)here they serve the same ol same ol..your lucky to get it as ordered and hot lol

  2. The McD here does not serve pizza and there is no Subway yet.

  3. well i live in P.R



  4. McDonald's sell pizza??? I have NEVER heard nor have I seen that. And I think....MAYBE our subway has a chicken parm sandwich though, I'm not really sure because I rarely eat at subway.

  5. i have never heard of mcdonalds selling pizza!! where are you from

  6. 1- not anymore (has been off the menu for atleast 10 years)

    2- yes, but I am not in the US, I'm in Canada

  7. MY Micky D's doesn't sell pizza, but my Subway sells chicken Parmesan sandwiches (i think). the menu varies by state and country!

  8. no pizza served here-south east asian macs-- chicken parmesan at subway's unsure but they hv lots of varieties of ingredients

  9. I have only ever seen one mcdonalds serve pizza and I was out of state when I saw that. It was somewhere down south. I live in the East Coast and have never seen pizza sold here. But I have seen Chicken Parm in Subway in the East Coast.
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