
Fast Food/ should you drive to them or should they deliver!?

by Guest62504  |  earlier

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an average person going to Fast food resturant burnes about a gallon of gas going and coming so/ should they lower their price to accomidate us or should they Deliver! it's half dozen one or the other! and secondly they should be alot faster at the drive thru window i'd say 12 seconds is what time limit or the food is half off!!




  1. they cant deliver because its impossible to take care of all those customers

  2. back to your trailer!

  3. deliver because some people are disabled or dont drive or cant drive or dont have transportation

  4. First of all, if your food was made in 12 seconds then it would have already had to be sitting there in the bag ready to go out. Your fries would be cold, your burger would be old, and it just wouldn't taste as good. At McDonalds the drive-thru time they try to make is 3 minutes and 30 seconds. During slower periods they hit 2 minutes. Why are people complaining about having to wait 3 minutes for their food when real restaurants take 10 to 15 minutes?

    Anyway, some McDonald's do deliver. There's one in my area that does this thing called Delivery Express and people call their order into a separate company, and the company car drives to McDonalds, then to the person's house. The same company also delivers pizza and Chinese food from different restaurants. It costs a bit extra but not too much. And it's not very popular. Why would anyone want to eat fast food at home anyway?

  5. being that it's so cheap i say we should drive to them.

  6. I would prefer going to the restaurant, instead of having them deliver the food, because if they make a mistake on your order, you don't have to wait for them to go back to the restaurant, and then come back.

  7. i say get off your fat *** and drive

  8. theyy should deliver like McDanlds

    sould deliverr cause theyy fyree

  9. both

  10. I think people should continue to drive and stop at the Fast Food places while they are already out shopping or running errands.

    No, I don't think Fast Food places should deliver, but they should continue to cater to larger parties like they already do in some areas.

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