
Fast food ban....why?

by  |  earlier

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If they are going to ban fast food, shouldn't they ban credit cards and limit alcohol consumption and the liek. Maybe I'm not overweight, but what if I have another problme...why should overweight/obese peopole be singled out and fast food be taken away? Waht do you think?




  1. All fast food restaurants are not being banned.  It is only NEW fast food restaurants in a specific area of Los Angeles.

    Get your facts straight.

  2. idk and dont care

  3. who said they are banning fast food?

  4. Fast food should be so banned that the slightest mention of the words should be posted a fine for. Imprisonment for anyone that misses it.

    Look at my thumbs down!  Way to defend your mystery meat burgers and grease sticks. Don't forget the good ol' processed cheez.....yummm! Faster!Faster!

  5. because you will become a lard ***

  6. This is such bull. We live in a free country, and people have the right to eat what they want. People know its bad for them, but choose to eat it anyway, and thats because we live in America...A FREE COUNTRY.  If you ban fast food, than you need to ban cigarettes, alcohol, etc...

    This is America; its a free country.

  7. I'm pretty sure you asked the same question earlier and then deleted it-- The fast food is not being "taken away" it simply needs to fall under certain nutritional guidelines. In other words- you can't market something as healthy and it contain 4 grams of trans fat. You will still be able to order whatever you want, you will just be more educated about your choices. What the h**l is the harm in that? Do you like being an uninformed consumer? Are you the type of person who would get mad if told that your favorite burger was laced with fecal matter because it would "ruin it for you?" They are not singling out obesity, they are simply forcing corporate america to be honest with its consumers.

  8. Break it down like this....Fast food is one large cause of Obesity.  Obesity it a major factor in health issues such as diebetes, heart disease, gout and several others.

    47 million americans do not have or cannot afford medical insurance.

    When they get sick they go to the emergency room which causes strain on the medical facility, They also do not pay their bills. Which causes health insurance rates to go up to compensate.

    So why outlaw fast food?

    Same reason as the price of tobacco is going up, to force people to find other more creative and calorie counting ways to slowly kill themselves.

    I agree it seems like a dramatic step, but I for one could live without a doublewhopper with chesse or a big mac. But I firmly believe if they do away with Micky dees, they had better get rid of all the freaking starbucks as well.

  9. idk

  10. doesn't make sense, does it?!

  11. The Government is trying to be way too controlling, and searching for loopholes to take away our rights.

    If they're going to ban what we're allowed to eat, they probably will try to get away with limiting alchohol consumption.

    It's ridiculous.

  12. is this for real? i've always thought it to be a good idea to ban fast food.  well, put a government issue calorie cap on fast food products.  thats a pretty radical idea though.  if fast food were banned tomorrow, it would be just a matter of time before all other vices will be looked at in the same manner and they too will be banned.  hypothetically.  you can't turn into a communist nation overnight.  it won't happen.  for now people still have rights.

  13. I think it's a brilliant idea. Fast-food offers nothing but junk and does nothing to solve the obesity epidemic and yes it does force people to search for healthier eating habits.

  14. It will be a start of a chain that will probably include all those things.

  15. well, the consumption of fast food is not having a positive affect on the economy the way people overspending does - so it is dispensable.

    Further, the people who ARE getting fat from eating way too much greasy fast food are often the same people who use government subsidized health care to deal with their diabetes, etc, so it is to our national financial advantage to get rid of the problem.

    Alcohol too does not become a national burden, just a national disgrace.

    It's all in the bottom line!
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