
Fast food fact or myth?

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i heard that mcdonalds uses apple-flavored potatoes as apples in their apple pies because they can be preserved better.

true or false?




  1. I've never heard of that. But the only way to know for sure is to ask someone at Mcdonalds or try googling it, although there are a lot of fake stuff online.

  2. probably true..why does it matter anyway as long as it tastes good.

  3. Your kidding right?  No

  4. Its false.  They use real apples but they do add lots of preservaties.

  5. It wouldn't shock me, but I'm sure that they don't. The health department mandates that fast food restaurants must be honest when it comes to these kinds of things because people have allergies.

  6. i think its false. but it wouldn't be shocking to me if this is true.  

  7. Good Question, that might be the 8th wonder of the world. I hate McDonald's and their freaking mysteries like..........why are the fries an outer body experience when hot?

  8. false

  9. Myth.  McDonalds is the largest purchaser of apples in the world.  

  10. No

    But i have heard of Apples That are Dyed blue and flavored as a Blueberry

  11. apple flavored potatoes............ i think that would be illigal to call it "an apple pie"

  12. no, Its lemon flavored corn cobs

  13. ok at mcdonalds we have our apple pies in the freezer and we fry them (thats right fry em) for 10 minutes, then we have to let them cool for 8 minutes..

    there are no potatos in them

    apples all the way

  14. False...

  15. don't know

  16. idk, ask your mom.

  17. full of fat..ewww

  18. false!

  19. Hahaha, false. They wouldnt taste the same, at all even apple flavored. Plus they are frozen when they come, potatoes dont freeze well!

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