
Fast food--gotta love it?

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So what is your favorite fast food and what wouldn't you even feed your dogs.




  1. i like McDonald's and burger king. its delicious.  

  2. onl breakfast is goo  

  3. It depends where the fast food joint is. I mean a McDonalds in Malibu is great, but a McDonalds in Harlem is horrible.

  4. Fave has to be Chinese (if that counts). It's faster than the local burger joints, tastes better, and is much better for you.

    Wouldn't feed my dog? Hmmm, I'd say Arby's or Quizno's. I've never had a good meal from either place and though i avoid them like the plague when I'm alone I invariably end up being out with people who want to eat there and end up with yet another terrible experience.

  5. Sbbaros, Poppeyes and Wendys. I cant believe that these arent available in Australia,

  6. My fav food is a roast dinner with loads of different veg and yorkshire puddings.  

    The food I wouldn't feed to my dog is anything cooked by my mother in law!

  7. WENDY'S!

  8. Taco bell and subway

  9. Mcdonaldes but fast food is not good for dogs

  10. In N Out Definitely.

    Try their Animal Fries. it sounds a little barbaric, but it's friends topped with cheese, grilled unions and their special sauce (thousand island).


  11. panda express i love there Mandarin and Orange chicken and there fries rice too my sons like m Mc Donalds   though  .

  12. In N out burger is my fav, I repluse arby's gag me!!

  13. the older I get the more I realize it's all bad for you... But I would say taco bell b/c it's cheap, tasty, and not too bad for you... And Krystal's is the worst

  14. In-N-Out, McDonalds

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