I work with my family for the family business. More often than not, we're on the road four of five nights during the week and unfortunately with the exception of an early departure, we find ourselves at Jack n tha crack, What-a-burger, Mcdonalds, Burger King and the healthiest of 'em all (?), Subway. We try to focus on Subway, especially now that they're doing the Scrabble game, but its difficult when we're out in the boonies. Most of these places close at nine p.m. or earlier and we would like to experience variety from time to time as any human being would. I've queried my father about a mini-fridge on his mammoth of a vehicle, and its a no-go yo. So my question is!!!!
What is the healthiest suggestion for men on the road to eat out of these gory fattening fast food joints? Is it chicken that is dipped in grease for 6 minutes, or burgers that sit under heat lamps? Is it salads that must have dressing to be enjoyable, but isn't the dressing is just as fattening as the aforementioned greasy burger or fried strips?
Help me, I'm getting fatter by the minute!!!!