
Fast food places near Chicago Hilton?

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hi im going to chicago in august and staying in the chicago hilton (720 South Michigan Avenue) does anyone know if there are any mcdonalds or burger kings etc near there




  1. MCD's at 700, 233, 845 and 676 Michigan Ave.

    BK at 225, 2838 and 2310 Michigan Avenue

  2. That is like asking does a bear c**p in the forrest.  There are fast food places like the ones that you have described on every block.  You should step out of your box and try some local places.  The price will not be that much different but the quality will be much better.  Well, at least the food might be real food and not some man - made - who - knows - what - your - are - eating food like you get at McD's, Burger King and all of those types of places.

  3. I've seen this question half a dozen times.  If it's the same person, then what's the deal?  Fast food near the Hilton.  Wow.

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