
Fast food ?!?

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latly the last 2 times i ate fast food it gave me a bad stomach a few hours after i ate it .

usually i had no problem after eating fast food ,

i dont eat fast food that much tho.




  1. hmmmm well as you get older your stomach obviouslt isnt as strong as it was when you were three and you could shuv rocks down your throat and digest them just fine so maybe you just are having a little more a a sensitive stomach appear...i know what you mean when i was like five i could shuv a burger and fries in my mouth and have a perfect stomach after that but now i get  the same feling as you...dont worry, its normal

  2. It is a good idea not to eat fast food, although I don't think it is that bid deal.

  3. The older you get and the amount of fast foods you eat will affect your digestive system in addition to other health problems.  See your MD to rule out the possibility of gallstones, gastro-esophageal or gastro-intestinal problems.  Also ask your MD to recommend something for you, for  temporary relief.

  4. maybe its the place u went yo

  5. try a different place??

  6. Just give it a break I used to eat fast food all the time and get stomach cramps too. After all it's not the healthiest choice three's a lot of other foods I bet you would love!  : )

  7. maybe your taste have change.  or perhaps the quality of the food sucks

  8. It might be the type of oil they use to fry.  It usually tears my stomach up too.

  9. Just give it a break and eat somthing healthy, it usually mean you need some better food in your system.

  10. food poisoning. chose something Else.
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