
Fast food !!!!?

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why is fast food an issue in todays society?

why is the fast food industry expanding each year?




  1. 1. Because it's so unhealthy !

    2. I think cuz lots of people buy a lot of it since its cheap and it tastes good.

  2. supply and demand.

  3. We have all been told that Fast Food is not good for us because of "this" or "that" reason.  I still fail to see the difference in a burger made by McDonald's or a burger made by grandma.

    The Fast Food industry continues to expand because they provide a meal quickly at an affordable price to people who think they don't have time to "cook" their own meals at home.

  4. We as a society are busier and have less time to cook!

  5. People are lazy and it is easy to obtain fast food, even though it is cheaper to cook food - healthy ....   the industry expands because more and more people buy fast food.....

  6. its an issue becuz its making ppl obese.. sick and just unhealthy..and its expanding more and more for profit =[[ i thnk its horrible,

  7. Because peoples life styles have changed..for example most families do not have stay at home parents and the parents have to work, then take the kids here and there and run a bunch of Arron's.  Getting fast food is convenient and cheap for families and people that have no time.  They are on every corner and very assessable and quick.  Kids love fast food because of the media also advertises and have toys in meals that the kids want.

    Why are they expanding because there is a need for them people want to eat so the companies are not worried about peoples health only about making a profit

  8. Because they know that we always go back for more!

  9. people are lazy and they go through the drive through like 3 times a day making them fat and unhealthy. people who do that are killing themselves. if you really need to get something quick get a salad with grilled chicken and light dressing. skip the fried stuff. Dont make fast food eating a routine because even the dressings are high in calories.

  10. its unhealthy but tastes oh so good
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