
Fast growing company with a marketing assistant job available - but sounds like an executive assistant?

by Guest56862  |  earlier

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Hi there-

So I am pursuing my MBA with a concentration in Marketing. I have a Masters in Education and no background in Marketing or Business (except for some volunteer exploratory work I have done running my own temporary non-profit).

So while I am completing the MBA - I am looking for something where I can learn about Marketing, get my hands into it (get dirty while learning basically), and better yet, have a career in that company.

I went on an interview yesterday that I almost felt first unqualified for based on its description (see below: I know nothing about marketing analysis or IT) but they called me in for an interview anyways. Small company - growing fast - small numbers as far as staff for right now. But it is clear they will get BIG. They emailed me for a second interview right after I left - to come in today. Before I proceed forward, I want to be prepared. Thing is that when she described the marketing assistant (which is a new role there), I heard things such as:

- Checking the CEO's flights

- Managing the office

- Making sure the printer doesn't run out of ink

- Just making sure the office isn't in "limbo"

with some things thrown in like:

- Maybe contribute some ideas to the website

- Maybe contribute some ideas to our promotional material

- Proofread marketing analysis, website, and have strong grammar skills

- And randomly asked if I had good math skills so I don't know where that will be used

I see the opportunity certainly to grow with a growing company but I am concerned that I am playing a exec. asst role to the CEO for now. I don't want to get stuck there. Basically I am saying that I don't want a Marketing Director job to come up down the road and they hire someone else. That is my goal or even MORE than that. I know the role is new so there are no definitive duties that she can list.

It is clear I need to work from the bottom up doing a little administrative work but I want to make sure this supports my career. She didn't really stress assisting the Marketing Manager as much as assisting the CEO.

Is this still a good start for someone in Marketing or a company that has just made up a bogus title?

This is her description she originally sent me:

"This position is brand new.

I would say 50% is administrative support to the CEO, CFO and Controller, and the other 50% is working on different types of projects such as marketing (website, brand development, etc), proofreading marketing analysis, IT support and etc…

We are looking for someone who is bright, has strong math, computer and English skills. Being that our plans are to grow this company, we need to get the right person in place who can handle a lot of responsibility and grow with us."




  1. Sounds to me like it's a start.  You will learn real life situations.  Every good Executive had to start somewhere, and it is important to know how everything in an office works.

    I believe 99% of success is just showing up.  If you are there and more interesting stuff starts to happen, you are in a great position to take advantage of it.

  2. it's a great opportunity to learn-with no real business experience even your MBA will not get you into most good jobs. Yes, there is admin work, but once you prove your value, they will hire an admin. It sounds like it is perfect for you-swallow your pride, you won't be sorry. These small companies run lean, but are quick to recognize talent. They don't want to hire a full time admin only, but need some admin work done.

    Plus, you'll make good contacts in the business community.

  3. If its what you want then go for it but it will be a dead end job, they are looking for someone who will run around doing everything for little money, it is not for someone with good qualifications. These types of jobs are manly tele-sales which are brain destroying.

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