I have a corner lot with three schools worth of children that pass my house daily after school. The problem is the "pass" my house part. THEY DON'T! Most of the kids hang out on the corner of my yard, lean on my car, use my mirrors to fix makeup, scream, yell at each other down the street, and dance in my driveway. It's just plain annoying. I've tried watering them, talking to them, calling police, notifying school. None of these helps. The city won't let me move my fence to curb because it's a "public right of way" and cars need to be able see oncoming traffic. They never said I couldn't plant shrubs though. Therefore, I plan to grow a hedge fence surrounding my entire yard so...
1. needs to grow in thick and full
2. needs to be evergreen
3. needs to be too tall to walk over
4. needs to be easy to maintain trimmed shape
5. reasonably priced need to buy A LOT! maybe 50-60
6. must be non- toxic and too sharp prickly leaves.
7. most importantly needs to grow in fast(so bad they would probably rip them from ground if they realize the plan I intend)
any ideas? I live in Norfolk, Va which is zone 7 I believe.