
Fast tips on overhand serving, tryouts today!!

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I waited last minute to decide to play volleyball this year, the only thing I am weak at is overhand serving. I have this problem, if I get nervous and think too much while the balls in the air, i totally mess up!!

My ball will usually come short before it goes over the net. Ugh, I need some really fast tips on what can make it hard and high!




  1. if you spike with the right hand... throw the ball with your left one and give to the ball a very strong slape . you have to hit the ball on the middle down side because if you aren't strong enough to get the ball over the net this will help you to throw the ball higher. good luck

  2. Don't psych your self out. You'll be fine.

    Please remember to keep your eye on the ball and hit it with your hand, and not your fist.  Like other people have mentioned, develop a routine that will help calm you down and get you into the swing of things before serving.

    One other thing to mention, follow through!  So many people hit the ball and it doesn't go anywhere because they don't follow through.

    Also, get there early and practice, practice, practice.  If possible, find a friend there or someone you can watch serve a few times.  

    Good luck!

  3. your outta luck... you really gotta know how to in order to make a team ( I'm on varsity so i would know)

  4. hit open palm(do not in the habit of hitting with a fist)

    follow through with swing

    hit the high


    don't think to much

  5. OMG i had the same problem,but i went to a million cmps in order to improve it.

    Okay first of all its better for u to creat a routine, like maybe bouncce the ball 3 times and spin it or w.e. u want.

    Then make sure that ur footing is rite, if ur a righty, left foot slightly in front of right and vice versa is ur a lefty.

    After that, practicce ur toss, is shuld be about a foot or 2 above that hand u throw it up with(left) and shuld land next to ur left practice that...oh and btw dont toss it behindd u..that was my problem. Tossing it IN front of u is the whole point of stepping into it.

    Okay ad lastly, keep and open hand with ur fingers kinda wide apart, try not to hit it with ur fingers and hit it with either ur palm or the bottom of ur palm, the bottom part puts more power,in my opinion. Also when ur serving, create a tagert on the other side, it helps.     PUT ALL OF tHoSe tHiNgS ToGetHeR AND youve got a perfect serve

    heres a few vids. from the cmp i went to, ohh and practice as much as u cann:

    HOPE I HELPED!!♥♥ And good luck at tryouts

    pleasse tell me if u make the teeaam

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