
Fastest Animal in the World..I have a bet with someone and I know the answer so Im asking you for your help?

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to prove my point ... What is officially recognised as the fastest animal in the world .. 10 to the first to get it right..




  1. Ostrich, right?

  2. Peregrine falcon in a dive - 200 mph

    Cheetah on land - 70 mph

    Barracuda in water, I believe, but I forget the speed.

    Added later:


    Birds are animals. You need to specify "land animal" if you want to exclude birds, and "flying level" if you want to include birds but exclude dives.

    Good old homo sapiens in rocket ships to the moon go faster than 25,000 mph, but that is with help.

    says the sailfish, not the barracuda, is the fastest fish - 68 mph in a dash.

    Note none of these - cheetah, falcon, sailfish - can maintain these speeds for very long. The Cheetah and sailfish get tired. The falcon hits the ground.

  3. Cheetah

  4. The fastest self-propelled animal would be:

    the Spine-tailed Swift (fastest flight recorded at 171 mph)

    Next behind this bird would be the Frigate bird (153 mph).  Geese and ducks fly pretty fast, too.

    Although the Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird (and in fact the fastest animal on the planet) when in its hunting dive at speeds of over 200 mph, it does not make the top ten when traveling in level flight.

    And yes, the cheetah is the fastest land animal (approx. 70 mph), but the sailfish has been recorded in the water traveling in excess of 110 mph.

    So I'll have to disagree with everyone who says the answer is the Peregrine falcon (controlled fall doesn't count) and cheetah (very fast but clearly not the fastest).

  5. Land - Cheetah (70mph for short bursts)

    sea - Indo-Pacific Sailfish - 68 mph

    air - Peregrine Falcon (200mph in a dive)

  6. Cheetah.  Fastest but mostly for short distances.

  7. peregrine falcon of course!

  8. Frog in a blender.

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