
Fastest way from Queens to Javits Center?

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We will probably be staying at a hotel in Queens in April right by the #7 station, my wife has a convention at the Javits center. what would be the best way to get there from Queens?




  1. I would need to know where in Queens you're staying. If its in Woodside, I would recommend taking the LIRR to Penn Station, and then walk to the Javitts Center, or you could grab a cab.

  2. The fastest way?  Probably a cab.

  3. For questions like this, it'll help to say which #7 station it's near.  For example, if somebody knows of a nearby alternative, they might suggest it.  If you were near 74th Street/Roosevelt Avenue, the E would get you closer to the Javits Center than the 7 would.

    In any case, you can take that #7 train, either the (7) local or <7> express, into Times Square.  From there, you have options:

    1) Walk.  About 20 minutes.

    2) Westbound M42 bus, to the Javits Center.  About 5-10 minutes once you get the bus.

    3) Transfer to a downtown 1/2/3/A/C/E, whichever you find first, and take it to 34th Street/Penn Station.  Get out, and either walk, or transfer to a westbound M34 bus to the Javits Center.

    Remember, you do get that free subway-to-bus, bus-to-subway, or bus-to-bus transfer on your MetroCard.  Subway-to-subway transfers don't use a MetroCard, you just get off one train and get on another.  Infinite transfers as long as you don't leave a station.

    For all questions like this, the MTA website is very helpful!  They have maps, schedules, all of that:

    You can even use the MTA Trip Planner to enter your start and end points, and let the computer do the rest:


  4. go to or  and plug in the information.

    EDit:  take the 7 train to times square and then the westbound M42 directly to the Javits Center abt. 10 min. with traffic.    You can transfer for free from the subway to bus w/ a metrocard.

  5. Fastest way would be the Long Island Rail Road to Penn, and then walk.

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