
Fastest way to WIN a ChEsS game.?

by Guest59503  |  earlier

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Could some one tell me some of the fastest ways to beat some one in chess? and any chess tips/tricks/ or techniques you know.




  1. yer 3 move checkmate if ur white u move the p**n in front of ur king, then back must move the p**n in front of the shaded bishop, then u move ur queen up and checkmate the king

  2. you have not to play more but you have to watch more chess games if you watch you can  easily catch the trick/tips everything i learnt chess that way  by that easily you can win watch watch watch games  see the difference

  3. Fastest way to win :

    1) e2-e4 ...  f7-f5

    (any move for the white)

    2) a2-a4 ... g7-g5

    3) d1-h5++

    Mat in three moves.

    If you're the black :

    1) f2-f4 ... e7-e5

    2) g2-g4 ... d8-h4++

    Mat in two moves.

    But you have to play against a ******* moron to achieve that.

    If you play with a good player... there's only one way to win :

    Learn, and practise.

    But it's all but fast.

    There's no way to be good at chess "fast". It's not black jack.

  4. if you are white its much easier

    haha wow that sounded racist

    anyway, here is the 4 move checkmate

       1.      Move the pawn in front of your king forward 2 spaces

       2.      Move the king's bishop diagonally three squares, so that it looks along a diagonal toward the pawn in front of your opponent's king's bishop.    

      3.       Move your queen diagonally two squares, so that it comes to rest in front of the king's bishop's pawn.

       4.      Move your queen vertically up the line to take the pawn in front of your opponent's king's bishop.

  5. If you are playing a newer player, there is a move which you can win in 4 moves (see source link).

  6. I have two fairly good starting moves in the first few turns that i like to use. Depending on who it is i'm playing with i'll use one or the other. If i'm playign with someone who doesn't play alot and understands the rules, but not the game then i use this one:

    Move your pawns out in alternating order, so your side of the board will look like this:


    O=Blank spot

    G=Random other pieces




    The pawns in that situation can become a very usful fortress wall and if you play your other pieces right and quickly you can easily make an unpenetratable wall.

    The second:


    O=empty space


    G= other random pieces

    Lets say the board starts like this:



    First, move the right and left pawnsup two spaces:





    Then, move your rook north behind the pawns:





    Lastly, move your rooks to the middle like this:





    This lets you egt two of your very most important pieces out for play.

  7. They say that if you start memorizing moves to try and beat people, it might work for you in the short term, but people will eventually discover your strategy and find ways to beat you.

    The most sensible thing to do is to develop your pieces early on in the game, and don't move each piece more than once in the opening game.

    I would recommend 'Chessmaster 10th edition'. It is one of the best chess aids around. Good luck!

  8. Pull out a gun, point it at your opponent and say "Checkmate".

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