
Fastest way to get money to buy car?

by  |  earlier

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im 16 and i want to buy a nice and fast japanese car.not a cheap *** ford,dodge,chevy.Ive got no job and i was wondering whats the fastest way to get around $5000 in like 6 months




  1. Why don't you go to work.    

    Dreaming is great but reality says your nice and fast Japanese car will probably be a 10 year old Civic until you become an adult and work hard to earn a living and can afford the things you WANT and not have to settle for what you NEED.

  2. Get a job and save every penny.  With your attitude you should go through about 6 jobs by the time you save up enough.  Why are you too good to work fast food?  My first ride was a 1990 Ford Ranger that I bought for $2,500 and it lasted till 365k miles.

  3. why are American made cars junk??? You are just a typical kids who thinks he knows everything but you probably have never turned a wrench in your life. I would rather have a broke down vette than anything coming from overseas....grow up.

    as far as making money to buy a car...GET A JOB. That's what the rest of the country is doing. I cant believe you have to ask an open question to figure that one out.

  4. I guess you should also consider and check insurance quotes for the car before buying one, for example here:

    Young drivers usually have much higher rates than others. And it depends from car. Fast cars have higher rates also.

  5. check your spam folder

    No really though, you don't need $5000 for a nice Japanese car

    For only $2000 you can get a LEXUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The quality of a Camry with the PRESTIGE of a LEXUS!!!!!!!!

    My Lexus ES250 is off the HOOK!!!!!!

    You can get a used 240SX, Prelude, or Eclipse for about $2000

    That amount of money can be made in 6 months

    All you need to is get a part-time job for about 15-20 hours per week (should get you about $500 a month) and you're all set

    good luck!

  6. Well, I don't know if this is the fastest way, But after about 1 year of saving.... having a part time job... and investing in the stock marcket,, I was able to buy a Lexis.  (lol then I had to sell it because the gas was to expensive! he hee. ...sigh...)

    But anyway, stock market is probly your best bet at 16 years old with only 6 monthes to get money. Try a 'Mutual Fund' (it's a type of stock)

    God Bless,


  7. If I were you I would work.  Fast food places are always looking for help and it's summer time now so you are not in school.  Work McDonald's from 7-3 and then Burger King from 9-5 5 days a week and you will be making some good money to save for that car.Nothing good comes easy

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