
Fasting... Should I?

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I heard that Fasting is a way to cleanse the body. It also helps one listen more to one's body. I want to go on a three day fast to get more insync with my body, to cleanse my body, and to control how much I eat.

The fast is only for three days and I will be on a water fast. I still am unsure if I should partake in this or not. Please help.




  1. I'm sorry, but I see no reason why having food in your digestive tract or not would have any bearing on eliminating "toxins".

  2. Sure, if you really think you should. Fasting is a sure way to get in sync with your body and mind. Communicating with your spirit is a good way to stay happy!

  3. Fasting is the best way to prevent Cancer.Once a year a week or more.On vacation the best time.Its to hard to work and fast.It gives the body time to rid itself of all the chemicals we eat.

  4. Fasting is definitely not a good idea. It's not a smart way to 'cleanse' your body, and it instead confuses your body and your metabolism, and therefore makes you put on more weight and make you unhealthier. Try a detox diet to cleanse your system. Try one such as a 'Lemon Detox Diet.' There's heaps of information on the internet.

  5. I have been on a ten day fast. It was amazing, and I felt so wonderful afterward. The first two or three days were very difficult, but after that, it was so energizing, and awakening to me. After I have my baby, I plan on doing another one.

  6. I am about to do one for the first time as well. I am going to start with a one-day juice fast and see how that goes. Then next time, maybe I'll try a 2-day fast or a water fast. I am going to use my juicer to make fresh fruit and vegetable juice. I'm also going to drink warm water with fresh lemon juice squeezed in. Lemons are great for detoxing! Herbal teas are great too! I would try to follow a detox diet of raw fruits and veggies, beans, brown rice, hummus, nuts/seeds the day before and day after to ease in and out of the fast. Also, if you're a caffiene drinker, try giving that up gradually the week before so you don't get headaches. Good luck!

  7. Fasting is very good provided that you do it in guidance or after proper research yourself. Depending on your condition you might want to mix certain fresh juices in water for fasting. Starting as well as breaking fast is very important.

    If you have not been fasting regularly, start with 1 days fast every week and see how you feel.

  8. I fasted for nine days many years ago.  I did drink unfiltered organic apple juice.

    You will be very hungry if you do a three-day fast.  By the fourth day I was not hungry, continued to work, and prepare meals every day for my son.

    My eyes sparkled like diamonds and I realised how much of our energy is spent every day digesting food.
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