
Fasting during Rejab&Syaban bida'ah?

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I read in this Salafi website tht fasting during Rejab& Syaban is bida'ah? I mean.. huh? really? Its a good bida'ah though..




  1. A good opportunity to lose some weight.

  2. a good bid'ah which will get you to Jannah, alhamdulillah.

  3. My dear friend,salam for you.No fasting during Rajab and Syaban on every date 1,2,3,  13,14,15 and also on 27,28,29 are stated in the hadits of Muhammad pbuh and he did it during his life so it is not a bid'ah.

    It is a sunnah or non mandatory fasting except  during ramadan .But in general fasting is good for our health and cotrolling our own lusts or desires

    In the hadits the hardest fasting is just like Soleiman prophet who fasted the whole year. Fasting ala Daud(David) prophet was harder than fasting during Rajab and Syaban,because he did fasting altenately one day fasting,one day no fasting and so on through the year.

  4. Well I'd say fasting anytime is a good thing.

    So why would there be a problem with fasting in those months?

    I mean maybe if you started considering those months as important as Ramadan it may be considered Bid'ah.

    But otherwise go for it, just don't overdo it.

    Fast like 2-4 days a week, you don't need to fast every day.

  5. pls dont see every thing from the light of religion. fasting is good thing both for body and for spirit. so have a fast  when ever u want to. u will get blessing from God.

  6. Even Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) used to fast during rejab/ its not Bida'ah

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