
Fasting glucose blood test outcomes?

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i am being tested tomorrow and i want to know how they determine whether you are hypoglycemic or have diabetes. how do they determine which you have?




  1. Fasting glucose for a normal person should be below 90 (old guidelines were below 100).  You are considered to be pre-diabetic if you are between 90 and 126.  You are within the classication of diabetes if you are over 126.  Unless the numbers are extreme your doctor should not diagnose you as being diabetic until you have failed two different fasting tests separated by a reasonable amount of time.

    Good luck!  More information is available at (especially on the message boards).

  2. Arm yourself, visit my blog site and print off the Blood Glucose Level Chart. The chart relates the HbA1C and daily finger prick test results. The chart covers the complete range of readings.

    Take the chart with you to your doctor and have him explain the range and the relationship between the HbA1C and your daily finger prick test results. You need to understand how the latter helps control the former.

    Good Luck with your diabetes test!

    Best Wishes.  

  3. Sorry you have to worry about this I too have an appointment in the morning to have my glucose checked too. My last lab blood draw glucose was high 140 so they want to recheck to see if it is still up or just that day because of something i ate[cool-aid]. anyway they are going to stick my finger and put it on a test strip and if  the  range is less then 100 now [used to be 120] it will be  o.k. if it goes below 60 then it is hypoglycemic [low]. not[high] hyperglycemia. so you need to be between 70-100 normal and that's what I'm hoping for too!!..Drink lots of water and nothing after midnight!!! and watch the sugar!! and bread and starches they turn to sugar!! ..P.S loosing weight helps too i know , it is my problem... Good luck.

  4. If the reading is over 110 then it could be a problem.You need more than one test to determine if you are diabetic.

  5. If it's below 70mg/dl, you could be hypo. If it's above 110, you could be diabetic. If it's in between, you're fine.

  6. With hypoglycemia the pancreas secretes too much insulin which lowers the blood sugar to a degree that you feel bad.  With diabetes, the pancreas does not secrete enough insulin which causes high blood sugar.  With the fasting glucose test, if your glucose level is higher than what is considered normal, you have diabetes.  I'm not sure how they determine if you have hypoglycemia.  The two conditions are related.  You can find more information on, the American Diabetes Association website.

  7. If u have diabetes ur blood sugar will be high.. and if u r hypoglycemic ur blood sugar will be low. becoz in diabetes u have a lack of insulin production or decreased sensitivity of the tissue for insulin, so the glucose u eat will stay in ur blood & not enter the cells; coz insulin helps tissue to take in glucose. so no insulin, no glucose in tissue, and all the glucose stays in blood making the number in the test very high. on the other hand hypoglycemic is when all ur glucose is in tissue & there's none in blood, due to increased dose of insulin injections or due to lack of feeding. hope I helped :)

  8. Basically they draw a blood sample and test it for sugar.  Everyone has some sugar (glucose) in their blood, the normal level is around 70-120 mg/ml.  Lower indicates hypoglycemia, higher in a fasting test indicates possible diabetes.  The doctor would want to do a few more tests if the blood test shows a high fasting blood sugar.  One is called a Hemoglobin A1C, and shows how the blood sugar has been running for the past 3 months.  The other is a glucose tolerance test (GTT).  This one takes 3-4 hours.  You fast for night.  In the lab the next morning they give you a super sweet drink that tastes l ike soda but sweeter.  They take your blood before the drink and every 1/2 hour thereafter.  They watch what the blood sugar does.  In non diabetics it will rise and fall as expected, but in diabetics it rises higher and stays there longer.

    As for hypoglycemia, it is a little easier to diagnose.  If you are experiencing severe headache, dizziness, feeling woozy and your blood sugar is low, then you are  hypoglycemic.  In that case you need to improve your diet and make sure you have snacks with you.

    Good luck with your tests!

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