
Fat loss for idiots?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know if this works what were your results and what you liked/didn't like about this diet i wanted to try it but i just want some input before i spend the money.

i do not want other peoples input i do not care what you have to say so keep your mouth shut i don't care if you think its unhealthy and don't even say that diets dont work. thank you




  1. When anybody asks about this diet on here, people are always knocking it when they have no idea what the diet is about!  It really does work!  But, it is just like any other diet-they only work if you are dedicated and stay committed to losing the weight.  

    This diet teaches you a new way of eating to maximize your metabolism.  You will be constantly rotating the types of foods you eat.  This speeds up your metabolism and enables you to burn calories and fat constantly.  This diet is easy to follow, healthy and cheap.  It is a LOT cheaper than most of the other diets out there and it does work-I have personally seen it work!

    There is a whole forum dedicated to users of this diet on  Go to the forums and then scroll down and find the Fat Loss 4 Idiots section.  In there you will find a lot of actual users of this diet that are on there all the time discussing the diet, their results, and any other questions about the diet.  It is a great place to do your research for this diet.

    It has worked for a LOT of people, but whether it will work for you depends on if it is the right diet for you.  Only you can decide that.  

    Good luck!

  2. what happens when you get off this diet? you'll put on twice the weight and then what? Fat loss for the extra chubby?

    If u want to lose weight PROPERLY and long term then email

  3. if u wana lose weight at home without exercising......u can refer to this website

    and u will find so many tips for weight loose and weight loose reciepes.u can try them and lose weight at home easily.

  4. It depends really, I mean todays society pressures so many people to be the perfect skelleton and to look great or be 'undesireable', and yet you critise those who cant put up with the bull people place on them for being even a little overweight... Thats being hypercritical...

    And yet it's still your choice whether you wish to loose weight the unhealthy way, but I will give you a solution, and It will work effectivly, but only If you can do it properly...

    To loose weight really fast, you cant eat any sweets at all, under any circumstance. Do 200 or more sit ups per night, or some other small excercise like a light jog or walk to get your matabolism working before you sleep, and sleep more because it burns calories.

    Eat plenty of vitimins and less fats and carbs as possible such as breads, milks sugars potato's ext... but lots and lots of food in various times of the day, as much as you like, until your full if not. Your body will start to speed up and process fat quicker and at more quantity. and snack inbetween meals, but they should be healthy like a bannana or something like that, no chips or chocolae or whatever, as your body goes crazy for food with substance, and will crave sustenance. Note that the idea is too speed up your metabolism that is probly really slow for you to gain weight, starvation even if slightly will only slow your metablism that much more.
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