
Fath Al-Bari translation any time soon?

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I know this doesn't really have anything to do with Saudi Arabia, so forgive me, but maybe you guys know something.. .

Are there any plans to translate Fath Al-Bari into English any time soon...

I would think that the govt. would have some sort of department for this... but i don't know... i thought Ar-raheek al-makhtum and the Mushin khan & hilali translations were govt. sponsored.. Is this true?




  1. I dont know and I dont think they would translate it, unless if its a summary..

    Fath Al Bari, which explains Saheeh Al Bukhari, is in 13 volumes... translating that accuratly is not easy, plus I think theres other books that are more worthy of translation.

    I remember how theres a great need for Islamic books in English in the US, and how the new Muslims were pretty much tired of the five pillar booklets. They need something with substance, they have mental energy and want to learn for themselves.... and without such books.... some start to make up their own philosophies and their own fiqh and sometimes even Aqeedah...

    I know a book,  if  ever translated, I am sure it will change philosophy curiculims at all the top universities in the world...

    Its almost impossible for Arabs to understand it in Arabic, due to its extremly deep philosophical nature... so translating it to English would take some who have perfect Arabic, perfect English, and a sound creed...

    Its in ten volumes and I hope they translate it, although I doubt they will.... ( By Ibn Taymiyyah )

    They should translate more books on things related to spirituality, mostly by Ibn Al Qayyim... so that new Muslims wont have to turn to Sufi books and real all kinds of weak and fabricated hadeeths mixed with their own beliefs...

    I think theres a department in the Ministry of Islamic Affairs thats concerned with translation, but like all other places, theres beurocracy as well...

    Personally the Muhsin Khan and Hilali translations, although government sponsered, it doesnt mean theres no criticism of it as well..

    It came out at a time when translations were really rare, and although they wanted to make sure they avioded mistakes in Aqeedah, its about time they take out all of the stuff between paranthesis and give an actual translation, putting the comments or interpretation on the bottom of the page or whatever.

    Theres so many books that could be translated, but sometimes it just makes you think, would it be better to just fund a University and teach Arabic and Islam instead?

  2. hey,

    well this is considered one of the best tafseer on Sahih al-Bukhari!

    I found a translated book with selections from the Fath Al-Bari on amazon:

    I do suppose that the Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtoom was probably government sonsored, but I do believe there are two different translations.

    Hope this helps, let me know if there's anything else!

    Abdurrahman Qadan

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    well, I'll keep a heads up for a copy with someone or online. I'll be sure to fill you in on it!

  3. You could try contacting the King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Quran.

    They may be able to give you an answer in sha' Allah, but it seems they focus only on Quran.  Maybe they would know who you can contact though.

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