
Father and Step Father, how do I handle who walks me down the isle and father daughter dance?

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I am much closer to my Step Father than my Bio Father, however my bio dad and family from that side will still be attending my wedding. I would like my Step Dad to walk me down the isle as well as do a father daughter dance with me but I don't know how to balance this with also including my bio dad. Any ideas on how to include both dads in my ceremony?




  1. A lot of mixed family weddings I've seen, both fathers walk the bride down the aisle - one on each side. The daddy/daughter dance should be just as you want it though. Maybe pull your bio dad aside and say, "I love you but I'm very close to X and I'd prefer to dance with him at this point." No easy way to do it.

  2. I would suggest both your fathers walk you down the Isle (it can be done!) Then take turns dancing with you with two separate songs! Make it special and Fair for everyone and it will be a unique and memorable wedding!

  3. have both dads walk you down the aisle

    one on each side but for the dance it should be who you want it to be

    its your wedding and they will both have to respect your desicions

    I've seen two dads walk a girl down the aisle before and if done right it looks good. but whatever you decide will look good.

    congrats on getting married & best wishes to you and your fiance


  4. You can have one on each side walking you down the aisle, you can pick just one (but be sure to talk to each about your decision), you can pick someone else to walk you down, or you can walk alone. It’s all about whatever makes you the most comfortable.

    As for the dance, you can do one dance with whomever you choose, a dance with both (where one cuts in half way through), a dance with each, or a dance with neither. To be honest, the fewer of these “just you” dances your guests have to sit though, the happier they are. I wouldn’t miss the non-group dances if they weren’t done at a wedding.  

  5. let them both walk u down the isle if u like.  and dacne with both of them.  a speical song for each.  let them help u chose the songs.  let the dj or band know that u want to do this and he will hepl u with the details.  let one say a speech ( step dad) and one of them say a prayer over the food (bio dad).  or if u have a unity candle, let bio dad light ur families candle and step dad walk u down the isle.  good luck

  6. There are a ton of questions just like this one and a lot of great answers in the resolved questions section of this site.  I suggest you look there to find your answer.

    Good luck!

  7. Simple thing is you cant, your biological dad is your blood and therefore should give you away at least.

    Your step father will understand I am sure as the fact that your real dad is going to be at your wedding shows there is no animosity between all of you.

    Your step father will be proud enough just looking at how beautiful you are but be careful not to favour one dad over the other as feelings will be tense  at a daughters wedding.

    Good luck.

  8. I plan to do the same thing. I consider my step dad my father. Do what you want. Blood doesn't mean a thing. What means the most, is the person that has been there for you longer.  

  9. have them both walk u down thw aisle! and then for the father daughter pick two songs and have the dj split them so for one you can dance to one song with bio dad and the other half song with step dad

  10. This is your big day, so do it how ever you want to do it. I would say why not have both of them walk you down the isle. Have one on one side of you and the other one on the other side of you. I've seen that done before and no one ever thinks anything of it. They will all remember that it is your big day and this is how you wanted to have it done.

    As for the father and daughter dance, why not dance with both of them. Not at the same time of course, but your husband can dance with mother for two songs and you can dance once with you step father and once with your bio father.

    Whatever decision you make will be the right one for you. This is your big day, don't let things like this sour it.

  11. If I were you I would have your step father walk you down the isle and dance with you the father-daughter dance.  If this is the man that's been there for you and helped you through the years, then you should give him the privileged of doing these 2 very important things.  If your dad or his family has anything to say about  this then explain to them how you feel.  This is going to be your day.  It's what makes you happy.  

  12. Let your stepfather walk you down the isle and dance. The wedding is your day. If you are closer to your step dad than show him that you care enough about him to walk you down the isle. If your bio dad really loves you, he will accept and be happy you are getting married.

  13. You can have them both walk you down the isle and for the dance you can dance with one for the first half and the other for the second half. Or you can just include whoever means the most to you which could cause hurt feelings and is actually kind of cold. Or for the dance you could just have two different songs.

  14. You can have both of them walk you down the isle, one on each side of you and than when it comes down to the dance, dance to both of them on a different song. That's just my personal opinion, I wouldn't want to leave either one of them out.

  15. Very cool situation. I've been to a wedding where the bride's father died when she was young and had her two brothers walk her down instead. It was the sweetest thing and meant a lot to them. If you desired to walk with your step dad but dont want to offend your biological father I suggest asking them if they are okay with walking with the both of them. They should be understanding especially if your biological father hasn't been around like your step father. I dunno, just a thought, but ultimately let your heart decide and don't worry about offending anyone.

  16. I'm no expert but why dont you get both dads to walk you down (one on each side) and for the dance take turns so neither fells left out or you could get them to fight each other to the death that way there will only be one left

  17. I was in your same boat!!!

    I had both of my dads (step and bio) walk me down the isle.....

    I had my step dad on my right and he gave me away to my husband and my bio dad just fell back to his seat once we got to the alter area.... the reason my step dad gave me away was (he was on "that side" and the person on "that side" is the one closest to the groom)

    They both got to pic the song they wanted to dance to as father daughter, and it did not surprise me that my step dad chose " the way you look tonight" Frank Sinatra  and my bio dad chose i loved her first by heartland overall everything turned out great...

    Good luck for your special day and try to let go of the little stuff that might go wrong... you'll be the only one who sees them

  18. I'm thinking that the best way to settle this question is with knives in the parking lot before the ceremony.  Whoever survives (or doesn't flee) gets to walk you down the aisle.  

  19. I would have your Step Father walk you down the isle because you are closer to him.  For the father and daughter dance why don't you have a song for each one.  Dance with your Bio Father first to a song of your choice and then dance with your Step Father to the song of your choice.  This way they are both included.  I have also seen at weddings were one of the fathers walk the daughter down and the other one is a groom's man or best man so that way they are both in the wedding party.  I hope my suggestions help.

  20. You really should have your step-dad walk you down the aisle and dance with you - if he's the one you're closer to, and the one who really raised you more (in comparison to your bio-dad), he really is your "dad."  That means your 'bio-dad' is really just the guy who knocked up your mom.  No offense, but the man who raises you is your dad.

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