
Father and rights to a child

by  |  earlier

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my child's father has shown no interest in seeing my son since he was born almost 3 years ago. the only time he ever wants to come around is pretty much to try to get some booty. my fiance now wants to adopt my son, however my child's father will not give up his rights just to spite me.

he will call me all hours of the night when him and his girlfriend are fighting and pretty much try to use my son to get me to have intercourse with him. how can i get his right revoked?? he is a very troubled person in and out of trouble with DWI's and such (he's not even 21)

please help




  1. document, document, document.  then take his *** to court

  2. This is an abusive situation.

    You need to go to court... you can specify that he have "supervised visitation only" under the gaze of a court-appointed official there at the courthouse or police station. That way, you can drop the kid off for a visit and not have to deal with his abuse. He would probably have to pay a fee to cover the chapperone's pay. Chances are, this is all it will take to get him to quit bugging you.

    Get an answering machine and use that to screen/record your ex's calls... particularly if it is late at night and he is abusive... and get ready to use it as evidence to file a restraining order.

  3. if your son's father is only 21, i am assuming you are very young as well. as an adult child of step-parent adoption, i can assure you that a LOT of pain will be put on your child in the years to come from having  his father give him up for adoption. if your son's father does not want to give up his right to his child, it is most likely NOT to spite you. please, do not make the love he has for his child about YOU. it is not. while you may see it this way, it is totally unfair for you to take your son's father out of his life when he does not want to give up his rights. this will only hurt your son later on in his life. you two are young. you are not even married. just stay the course. you recognize that your son's father has problems, and he may straighten himself out in the future with some maturity. you sound like you have yourself together and that is the best thing you can do for your child.  be strong, and stay positive. love is the best thing you can give your child. encourage his father to play an important role in his son's life. you are not doing it for him, you are doing it for your son. a father can not be replaced. you can't just erase him and assign him a new father. in the same way another woman could not replace you. his father is as much him as you are. at one point, you loved him. or liked him enough to make a baby with him. just give it some time, forget about replacing him with your fiance. he can play an important role too, but children have a right to know where they come from and who they are.

    good luck and much love and happiness to you always.  

  4. no contact order?  you can document all of the harassment  and then take it to court for a no contact order.  It might take a while, but it might help.

  5. Bide your time with the adoption situation.  Your fiance can't adopt him until you're married anyway.  Don't answer the phone if he calls...out of sight, out of mind.  Eventually he will lose interest in you and your child and you will have a clear path to live the life you want to.  You will know when it is right to approach the subject again.

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