
Father is a+ mother is b+ child is O+ how child is o+?

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Father is a+ mother is b+ child is O+ how child is o+?




  1. It is possible

    Because genes determining  blood groups have two alleles

    If blood group is B+ve possible combinations of alleles are BB & BO

    If blood group is A+ve possible combinations of alleles are AA &AO

    so the child may be

    O+ve  if alleles  are A&O

    B+ve  if alleles  are B&O

    A+ve  if alleles  are A&O

    AB+ve if alleles  are A&B

    The child derives alleles one each from father &mother

    If parents have AO&BO  genotypes [heterozygosity]  child can be O+ve


  2. There are some general rules with blood groups.  If either parent is blood group AB then it is impossible for their child to be blood type O.  If both parents are blood type O then the child must be O.  If the parents are either both A or both B or one of each then it is possible for their child to be O.  So a father A and a mother B can certainly produce an O child.

  3. Phenotype Genotype

    A                 AA or AO

    B                 BB or BO

    AB                 AB

    O                 OO

    Mother's phenotype is A, but genotype is AO. Father's phenotype is B, genotype is BO. Child can be A, B, AB, or O.Check it out:

  4. father may not be real father.

  5. Yes ,it is Possible in the case of genetic "throwback" which means any members of your family generation(grandparents,parental or maternal uncle&aunt) has  O+ . or AO or BO

    A: Which may be expressed as AO or AA (they are different, but both A)

    B: Which may be expressed as BO or BB (they are different, but both B)

    O: Which is always OO

    AB: Is always AB

    Now, when two Parents of different blood types reproduce the children have a mix of both parents.

    Two "AA" parents will have children with A type blood.

    Two "AO" parents may have offspring with A or O blood types.

    (Meaning that, two parents with "A" blood types may produce a child with an "O" blood type)

    (Same goes for "B")

    Again, when two Parents of different blood types reproduce the children have a mix of both parents.

    The possibilities may be mapped on a "punnet square" (see image)

    Two parents with blood types "AO" and "BO" may produce offspring with blood types AB, AO, BO, or OO.

    So, "AB", "A", "B", and "O" are all possible.

    So offspring may have a different blood type than either parent. However, If the two parents had blood types "A" and "O" they could not produce a "B"...

    except in the case of genetic "throwback" which does happen. (eg. If your grandmother had AB, her son(your dad) had A, and his wife(your mom) had O, it is possible, though not so frequently, for the grandchild(you) to "inherit" a B blood type.)

  6. I think it works this way:

    Father Phenotype A = AA or AO Genotype

    Mother Phenotype B = BB or BO Genotype

    If the father is AO genotype and the mother is BO genotype then they could combine both Os to make the kid a phenotype O =OO Genotype. That make sense? If it doesn't here is wikipedia: (scroll down to the ABO blood group system)

  7. im not sure if it possible it may well be

    or it may not be the real father or the child may be adopted

    is it you? id ask the mother

  8. could be a rececive gene from the grand parents

  9. very much possible

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