she just got dad to buy a block of land by the beach for 300,000. he went ahead with it. i now he wanted to keep it in his super account but thats his wife so of course he went ahead with it to please her. now the thing is that dad told me early on that she was going to build a house on it and that the agreement was that it would be split 50/50 between her family and ours when they both die. if one is still alive then it is kept until they are both dead. OK. GOOD. but where is your 200,000 - 300,000 to build a house love? huh? the plans for drawings are almost complete so its all moving along fast. the thing is that i know she dont have that kind of money to build so im thinking she has told dad to just build and she will pay him later down the track or whatever. THE THING IS, that she has made it quite clear that she wants to split this thing with her sons and daughters if she and dad dies. is this fair that her side gets money from the house if they both die and she has put nothing into it? i think i want to kill her. it makesme hate her soo much that she is doing this. dad is 70 and she has just come into his life when he is 65. so u tellin me a lady can just come into a family mans life and take maybe one 3rd of his earnings and superanuation and 'just for being his darling' (which basically anyone could do caus love is just everywhere aint it?) and get him to spend 500,000 on a house and land so that she can sit there and say that they both bought it ?? and that because they bought it together that she is going to split it?? i dont like her motives here. yes they are inlove. yes he loves her. yes she loves him. BUT cmon i really dont like the fact that she can just waltz in and get some guy to buy a house and land and then claim that she wants to split it down the middle with her children when they are both gone. whats fair here? its a lot of money here guys. a lot of work he did to get this far in life. she also stated to me perinally that she was not marrying dad for money or anything and to quote her she said that what is his is his and mine is mine and she is not in it for the money but hey......oh its got me grinding my teeth...what do you guys think? u think its ok that her children gain in this just caus she put a ring on her finger and has probably taken him for a ride in bed for the last couple years? let me know your serious thoughts on what is ok and not ok here... typed this fast so sorry might be mistakes... cheers and peace