
Father of her kids, threatening me, any legal options?

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I am dating a girl that has two kids and their father has relentlessly threatened me that I better stay away before someone gets hurt. He stated he would blow my car up. he has repeatedly called and harrassed me for months. I could easily break it off with her and have no problems but I really dont think he should get away with chasing people away from her when they have been seperated for over 6 months. She has called her family members and made remarks about false accusations " he's(me) tearing the mother away from her kids" , he has called their pastor and made up things and all of these people have called me on my phone. Does anyone have any ideas of what legal actions I can possibly take? Even if I dont stay with her, i dont think this is moral.




  1. Those are terrorist threats and are against the law.  Call the police and make a report and ask for prosecution.  

  2. Sounds like bullying tactics to me. We just went through that with my son in law. He finally let go after seven or eight months. Standing up for yourself and letting the husband know his threats aren't working is all you can do. The girlfriend has to stand up to him too or he will always use this on her.

  3. Get a restraining order.  This sounds like actual threats, so I would talk to the police.

  4. You're injecting yourself into a situation that is yet to be settled. Six months is not a long separation. I'd encourage you to cool it with the lady until she's divorced.

    That said, her husband has no right to threaten you. If he's done so and continues to do so, you need to start keeping a record of everything threat and/or harassing behavior that he directs toward you. Then report him to the police and/or get a no contact order through your local court system.


    Edit:  If they were never married, you have every right to see her whenever the two of you choose. If the children are his, just be sensitive to that fact.

  5. Go to the DA and file a charge for criminal harassment.  

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