
Fathers, Birth Certificates, and Paternity Testing?

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If one man signs the birth certificate for your child, completely aware he is not the biological father, and the biological father is in prison with serious charges and doesn't want to be the father...can the biological father change his mind in the future and force a paternity test and get his name put on the papers? What all would he have to do to get rights to his child?




  1. You should talk to a lawyer and tell him your situation.  I think you will need the biological father to sign papers stating that he doesn't want any wrights to the child.  You will also want to have the non-biological father to adopt your child.  I think you have a good grasp of everything you should do to take care of this. You shouldn't really have any problems as long as the biological father cooperates.

  2. a paternity test can be done for sure, especially if you or he gets involved in welfare or child support. but if you are common law married there are certain guidelines. u should get a written statement saying he is accepting this child as his responsibility, which is hard to get lol. but yes he can do foul stuff like that.

  3. Yes the biological father can always ask for the paternity test and apply to have the BC changed that is his right.  You would have to get a lawyer and go to court to explain why he shouldn't have any rights but even then he could still get a paternity test done.

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