
Fathers/Husbands, How do you see your wife after watching her give birth?

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I hate to say it but I'm almost embarrassed to let my husband watch the birth of our child. I really can't imagine any male wanting to see all the fluid and such that goes along with giving birth. Let alone watch a baby come out of my hole.

My other concern is that s*x won't be as appealing after watching this event take place.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I'm sure this sounds ridiculous, but I am 32 weeks and just over analyzing.




  1. Sorry I am not a man but my husband watched me give birth and had no problems afterwards. He couldnt WAIT to have s*x again after the baby was born hehe. It was a bit loose for a while but then it went back tight as ever. If he is somewhat intelligent he will be able to seperate birth and s*x.

  2. if u husband loves the heck out of u, i think he'll look at you like the hott piece of eye candy ever! dont worry great luck, its an exciting and beautiful experience that he'll charish foreva..ur bringing his children into this world and hes gonna love you for ever!

  3. A Lamaze class would prepare both of you.  This way you can see his reaction to seeing the birthing process.  Or just watch Discovery channel.  Express your concerns to him.  If he thinks watching you give birth will affect his sexual attraction towards you then he can stay at the head of the bed.  Good luck...

  4. My husband doesn't think anything negative of me after watching the birth! I was also concerned, not about the actual birth..but I had to go to the bathroom (bowel movement...) and I was having contractions so I needed him to stay in the bathroom with me, because I just couldn't do it alone....I was embarrassed because it was a small bathroom and quiet..He still finds me just as attractive! Whenever I ask him how I look he says I am gorgeous. Especially now that my b*****s have changed so much (stretch marked, a bit deflated when not filled with milk..) I ask for reassurance..

    I wish I had more of a libido for him, he is so sweet and understanding, but now with the baby, I'm just not too interested :/

    If your husband loves you, he'll want to be in the room with you and be just as attracted to you, if not more! (being the mother of his child and all!)

    Also, you are going to need him there with you for support!

  5. Well I am not a man,but we have had no problems.My husband was there for it all-throwing up all over him,pushing,everything.If anything,it made him more appreciative.He still thinks I am beautiful & he couldn't wait to do things again.It does take some time & patient for a while,but it gets better.Honestly,if he loves you like he should-he shouldn't feel any differently.

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