
Fatty Filtration Liver?

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The doctor got my CT Scan on my liver's results and told me that I have a Fatty Filtration/Filtrated liver. I don't drink at all and I'm not on any kind of meds, so it's probably because I'm overweight. But, could this be the reason why I am getting sick in the evenings? Could a Fatty liver make me sick in the evenings?

My eyes get white circles and I get really tired. I have to lay down for about 2-3 hours.

I've been tested for Anemia, Diabeties, all that good stuff. I don't have any of it. Don't have anxiety.

I KNOW What a fatty liver is, The question I am asking is COULD this by why I am getting sick in the evenings?




  1. As 9suns stated before gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) could be the cause of your nausea and, since you are overweight, it is the most likely explaination. Fatty liver does not cause these symptoms. If you eat a large meal in the evening and then you lie down, the contents of your stomach can be pushed back up into your esophagus and cause nausea. You can reduce these symptoms by eating smaller meals earlier in the day, making sure that you rest in an upright or semi-upright position, and of course weight loss. Another cause of your evening nausea might be a motility issue with your stomach, which is also a common problem in patients who are overweight. A delayed gastric emptying time means that undigested/partially digested material will just sit in the stomach due to a motility problem (stomach isn't moving the food into the duodenum as well or as fast as it should). If the food just sits in your stomach you can become nauseated and sometimes vomit. You should schedule an appointment with a Gastroenterologist to investigate the cause of your symptoms if they are severe enough or you cannot tolerate them.

  2. I answered this question for you this morning. My comment about the evening sickness was that MAYBE  you have an acid reflux disease or a gall bladder problem which you might want to discuss with your doctor. The fatty liver would not cause you getting sick in the evenings.

  3. Off the top of my head, and not being a doctor, I wonder if the liver might not be making enough bile, as people who have their gall bladders taken out also have nausea after a fatty meal.

    I'll check the literature, and be back, maybe with nothing better.

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