
Faucet Water VS Bottled Water?

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Do you trust faucet water ?

After all, this water flows through old steel, copper and even LEAD pipes. You don't control what the companies put into the water to "clean" it.

It contains heavy metal ions, some states or localities force you to have fluoride in your water.

I am very satisfied with faucet water, but I need to have the alternative of buying bottled water if I want to.

Now, environazis and ecoterrorists wants to force us to only use faucet water and they want to deprive us from the choice of using bottled water.

What will we do in Bottled Water Free zones when faucet water will be contaminated by E.Coli like it already happened ?

It's NOT intelligent to kill options, especially when it comes to a product so much important to life as water.

How DARE the ecoterrorists would deny me the right to buy bottled water !




  1. Every study I have seen results of comparing Bottled water to Tap water has shown Tap water to be safer. For taste, just use those little filters, which work great. In my opinion, Drinking bottled water is silly, at least in the US.

  2. most bottled water is just filtered tap water. but the movement to outlaw bottled water is just another example of the enviro-n***s nonstop attempt to control everything anyone does.

    they suffer from the primitive animal instinct to dominate & control all living things around them to show their superiority.

  3. Look into water filters. Some can be placed on faucet to filter the chemicals. The filters come in usually 2 packs for $25.oo and last about 2-3 months. Breakdown of cost is about 41 cents a day. You can fill a pitcher and keep it refridgerated for use, cook with it and not have chemicals. Even coffee tastes smoother and better. Pitchers can be purchased if you only want drinking water. Top brands are Pur or Brita. Enjoy chemical free for less and better taste.

  4. But you gotta realize, hardly ANYONE recycles the bottles, and unless you do, you are just killing the environment.

    You can always put a filter on your faucet like PUR or something. My family uses the fridge filter, and it tastes a lot better. And they put fluoride for your health. It helps your teeth, and a lot of people  need that. :P

    I prefer filtered faucet water.

  5. honestly i owuld go w/ bottled water, as long as i recycle. faucet water has never been my thing. people have been talking about how chemical s are being found in tap water and its just lik DUH. what do you expect. it cant be cleansed completely. you'll never drink something that doesnt hav some sort of chemical good or bad. its stupid that ecoterrorists want to "force" us to only use tap water and not get bottled water. in michigan i say we buy the bottled water cause the economy is h**l. its ok if we recycle but the d**n people that dont are idiots who think that they're gonna be dead (yea so?) and not be able to do anything. you cant jsut throw it away. PEOPLE: RECYCLE!!!!! if ur in a bottled water free zone just go w/ tap water, its better at that place. i agree that it isn't intelligent, we need water and if people lik bottled water then thats the way it is theres no changing it. people are people and they can do wut they want.

  6. Chill out dude. I dont know where you live, but a product that sells with no environmental or financial impact or hazard, will not be taken off the market by any govt I know of. The environazis dont control free commerce.  I cant immagine distilled water, (any one can do it) becoming illegal. How possible does bootleg distilled water sound.  Worry about more important matters.

  7. it depeds were you are like florida tap tastes horrible but new york water is very good tasted 2 times a day

  8. where does this happen at, i can buy bottled water everywhere i go.

  9. I live on a permaculture farm.  I well understand the ecoterrorists, and how they deny people their rights.

    How do you feel about the fact that the water quality guidelines for what comes out of your faucet are MUCH more stringent than the requirments for your bottled water?  

    I don't have a problem with the "idea" of bottled water.  However I do not want to see it in plastic bottles.  I want it packaged in glass bottled.  Of course I'm very anti plastic.  I'd like to see everything go back to being packaged in glass bottles....milk, soda pop, orange juice, ect....all in glass bottles.

    Yup, I know they are heavier, and require more fuel to transport to stores, and that they break.  I also understand that plastic is FOREVER.  Plastics started to be manufactured back in the 1930's.  97% of the plastic ever created is still here on Earth.  (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)  The 3% that is gone was incinorated.  Plastic breaks down into smaller and smaller molicules, until it enters the food chain on a microscopic level.  

    Plastic is killing the microscopic critters, since they cannot digest it, but only become clogged with it.  Life on earth CANNOT exsist without microscopic life.  Even humans.

    So I'm anti plastic, not anti bottled water.  I just want to see all the liquid food items once again sold in glass bottles.  


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    P.S. You can still buy canteens.  We use them all the time here on the farm.  Keep water cold ever so much better than the plastic bottles.

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