
Fav. Beer, and least fav. beer?

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I love Miller High Life, but i'm pretty sure that midgets pee in every can, bottle, glass, pitcher, and/keg of Bud Light..




  1. Anchor Steam beer out of San Francisco/Harpoon IPA out of Boston tied for favorite. Least Favorite beer is a Three way tie between Rolling Rock,Michelob Ultra and Heineken. If I was on a dessert Island and all they had too drink was one of those three beers I would drink the salty sea water first.

  2. short and simple question, favorite beer is sams october fest and my least favorite is the naty ice but we all started out drinking the skunk beer now we have money we drink the good stuff.

  3. My favorite beer is the alcoholic kind. No, I like Coors and Busch. I really hate beers with weird spices in them.

  4. Favorite Beer: I refuse to answer as I have not had all of them yet. I will tell you that Dogfish Head is my favorite brewer... Just had a 120 Minute IPA last night... I'm so worried it will disappear from store shelves with this d**n hops shortage.

    Least Favorite: Blue Moon. This is the bastardized... over spiced... and chemically altered version of a Belgian Witbier... one of the best styles in my opinion. This specialty beer from Coors-Molson has fooled the American public into believing that they are expanding there beers horizons... and being bold. When in reality they are just swilling more macro-c**p from the same old big three brewers who have given American beer the worst reputation on the international market.  I will give it respect for introducing many people to full flavored beer, but there are so many better examples out there.

    Ps... Why are we limiting it to domestic?


    Oh, OK. Thanks. Though I do say and Michael "The Beer Hunter" Jackson agrees... American Micros are the best in the world... It isn't fare to the imports to exclude them... after all it isn't their fault we make better beer... Belgians excluded that is.

  5. Favorite: Samuel Adams.  They have so many great brews for all different tastes and times of year.  It's like wine in that you can pair the different varieties with foods.  That, and it really is top-quality beer.  Big thumbs up!

    Least Favorite: It's a toss-up between Busch Light and Keystone Light.  Blegh.  The only reason I ever tried either was at a fundraiser at a restaurant.  It was a "Redneck Barbecue" (friggin' hilarious because everyone dressed the part!).  You paid for your ticket and ate and drank as much as you wanted.  They had some great food and drinks, but the only beers available were the two I listed, and in those huge cans.  So...back to my's horrid stuff!

  6. Favorite = Leinekugel's Red Lager

    Least favorite = any Anheuser-Busch product

  7. Always love Adam West's beer responses.  Truly knows his stuff.

    My favorite going out cheap american beer is by far Miller High Life.  Light and fizzy, and cheap.  i could put down 10 of these and not feel full, and it won't hurt the wallet (btw 3-4 bucks in Brooklyn bars)

    If I'm going to a real beer bar, I typically go for Unibroue Maudite - it's a strong red ale, approx 8% ABV that is very spicy and complex.

    My least favorite beers have to be Brooklyn Lager and Sam Adams.  I just find them to be way too heavy on the hops, and a little skunky.  I also agree with Adam West about Blue Moon.  This beer has become so popular, but is a very poor belgian white ale.  I will never understand why someone will order this when Hoegaarden is also available on tap.

  8. Favorite:  Bud Light (haha it's cheap AND good...)

    Least Favorite:  Guinness... BLEH.

  9. Best: Samual Adams

    Worst: Budweiser (or as I like to call buttwiper)

  10. Favorite -- Red Stripe

    Bad -- Milwaukee's Best

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