
Fav. g*y quote? ? <span title="lalalalalallalalalalalala?">lalalalalallalalalalalala...</span>

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lol i love this one:

" if men and women were meant to be together they would both have penises "

=D i got it from will and grace =P

and your fav. poem? =P




  1. &quot;What is straight? A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it&#039;s curved like a road through mountains.&quot;

    - Tennessee Williams, &quot;A Streetcar Named Desire&quot;

    My favorite poem is probably &quot;The Bridge&quot; by Hart Crane.

  2. I saw this on a t-shirt at a g*y pride rally in Houston: (and please don&#039;t report me..I really saw this and it&#039;s not about you) : &quot;when I want your opinion I&#039;ll take my d**k out of your mouth&quot;. lol

    Actually, I think it&#039;s crude and rude. But at the same time it&#039;s funny.

  3. I can&#039;t think of any right now, but I like Louis L&#039;s quote from good ole Homer Simpson.  lol

  4. &quot;Homophobia is so g*y&quot;

  5. &quot;as straight as a rainbow&quot;

    makes me lol

  6. This is from Psych

    Juliet: [after Shawns wipes makeup off of suspect&#039;s forehead] He&#039;s wearing makeup!

    Student: Is he g*y?

    Shawn: [shouting] No! [stutters] Um, maybe. [slight pause] Look, I... I don&#039;t know.

    my fave poem is The Spider and the Fly

  7. &quot;im only bisexual people, not some troll.&quot; me. just right now lol

    no seriously it is: &quot;straight like spaghetti until you heat it up.&quot;

    and my fav poem: &quot;An Essay on Man&quot; by John Locke.

    and &quot;To Be Or Not To Be&quot; by William Shakespeare.

  8. I say g*y quote as it comes from Oscar Wilde.  But here it is....

    &quot;Morals are those attitudes we direct towards those we don&#039;t like.&quot;

    But if I were to go all out g*y, it would be,

    &quot;Her morals are low, but her heels are high!!&quot;

    One more from Scott Thompson:

    &quot;I may have just fallen off the turnip wagon, but I did go shopping.&quot;

  9. This is fun :-) How about these:

    My fave (although, a little crude):

    Well, I’ve been lickin’ this carpet for 3 whole hours and I don’t feel like a L*****n.

    ~Anyone watch &quot;South Park&quot;?? ;-) ;-).

    Some others:

    When it comes to exploring the sea of love, I prefer buoys.  

    ~Andrew G. Dehel

    If homosexuality is a disease, let&#039;s all call in q***r to work:  &quot;Hello.  Can&#039;t work today, still q***r.&quot;  

    ~Robin Tyler

    If time and space are curved, where do all of the straight people come from?  

    ~Author Unknown



  10. I can&#039;t help looking g*y.  I put on a dress and people say, &quot;Who&#039;s the d**e in the dress?&quot;  ~Karen Ripley

    go to the link in the sources...theres some good ones XD

  11. i&#039;ll telll u muh fav g*y quote here it gose, &quot;Honey I know Fabulous cause, I&#039;m g*y&quot;, OMG i Laughed so much u know if u watched SMA u should know who said that i think his name is Jadeite

  12. &quot;a wise girl listens but doesnt believe, kisses but doesnt love, and leaves before she is left&quot; ~Marilyn Monroe

  13. From a Pansy Division song, my favorite &quot;g*y quote&quot; is:  &quot;He&#039;s thought about it for a long, long time- about being attracted to his own kind.&quot;  I just like it.  I kind of picture some boy sitting at his desk thinking, &quot;Maybe I like boys... hmmm.&quot;

    My favorite poem!  I&#039;ll recite it for you!  =)

    &quot;We real cool.

    We skip school.

    We lurk late

    We strike straight

    We  thin gin

    We sing sin

    We jazz June

    We die soon.&quot;

      When we first got our computer, my brother and I would listen to a program that had a voice recite poetry and we loved that one!  &lt;3

  14. &quot;I like my beers cold and my g**s flaming&quot; Homer Simpson :)

    &quot;Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don&#039;t matter and those who matter don&#039;t mind&quot; Dr. Suess

    &quot;I straightened my hair and now my hair is as limp as my dîck when looking at naked girls.&quot; -the fabulous me

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